30 Crazy Pics That Will Make You Scream NOPE
- A healthy dose of weirdos and crazy sh*t!
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Man Almost Flips Out When He Finds A Disturbing Easter...
- He had this for 3 months until he saw something he...
Woman Loses Her Sh*t In Kmart After Being Accused of...
- Meanwhile in the land down unda, a woman has a...
Massive Tale Of The Fabled Florida Man's Exploits
- Florida women don't stay far behind in the WTFness.
Two Straight Men Troll The Law By Getting Married
- Nothing gay about two straight guys being in a...
Muslim Boxer Amir Khan Receives Death Threats After...
- When did being a good Dad become an offense punishable...
18 Pics That Will Make You Wonder If Walmart Is From...
- It seems it's a twisted and surreal reality.
Neighbor From Hell Caught Spray Painting Neighbors...
- This older woman in a nightgown was caught on CCTV...
Toys That Are Perfect If You Want To Scare Your Kids
- These toys were designed to scar the children for life?
Guys Share The Creepiest Thing A Women Ever Did To Them
- A man will hit you in the face if he has a beef with...
Cringey Dude Has A Meltdown After Being Politely...
- This dude needs to pump the brakes with all this...
The Synthol Kid Was Forced To Have His Fake Muscles...
- He pumped his arms full of synthol (a synthetic muscle...
What Would Happen If You Drained The Ocean Through A...
- If you put a hole in the middle of the Mariana Trench,...
Tornado Turns Warehouse To Rubble In A Matter Of...
- A tornado struck Spartanburg SC on October 23rd 2017...
15 Of The Fastest Things In The Known World
- Be it the fastest land animal or the fastest roller...
Levitation Trick By Cheerleader Has The Internet...
- What type of black magic is this!?
Guy Tries To Be Witty On Twitter But Gets Outshined...
- Boy, this escalated quickly.
Comedian Shane Torres Wants To Know Why People Hate...
- If you think about, he only wanted to take you to...
War Criminal Dies After Drinking Poison During U.N....
- Bosnian ex-general Slobodan Praljak drank poison after...
Woman Shares The Hilarious Things Her Boyfriend Says...
- This dude must be having some gnarly dreams!
Paris Hilton Claims She Invented The Selfie
- Have you ever been so desperate for attention?
27 Crazy Facebook Posts That Are Out Of This World...
- Everyone on Facebook is out of their damn minds.
Van Trying To Make It Across Tracks Gets Demolished By...
- This folks, is why it's better to always wait. The...
14 Crazy Stories of Family Drama That Are Beyond WTF
- The only thing that can make your own family seem less...
23 Construction Fails That Will Make You Ask "How Is...
- They say work smart not hard, well these are neither.
Your WTF 'Florida Man' Story Of The Week
- With all the crazy shit that goes on in Florida, this...
Guy Finds Some Very Kinky Medical Equipment While...
- I had a feeling my doctor had ulterior motives!
Guy Removes An Insanely Massive Hornet's Nest From A...
- The beekeeper said it took him 45 minutes and he was...
CNBC Trying To Jump On The Microtransaction Bandwagon...
- What's the best way to deal with overpriced games?...
Guy Explains Why He Doesn't Want a Marijuana...
- This guy knows the subtleties of trolling!
15 Cat Tweets To Help Us Celebrate Caturday
- Fifteen on point tweets for a fun day.
Exhibitionist Gets Away With Showing Her Vagina In...
- I wonder if people would think the same thing it she...
Guy Finds His New Best Friend For Life Living on The...
- Is that how people normally get a cat?
Boeing 777 Hit By Intense Lightning During Take Off
- Lightning strikes a plane a minute after taking off. ...
This Is What A 50 Million Dollar Apartment In NYC...
- Sell some underwear kids and this could be you.
A Mixed Batch Of 26 Funny, Awesome, and Cool Pics
- The glorious weekend is finally here and it for most...
Guy Drops A Paper Airplane At 2,000 Feet And Catches...
- This is the greatest thing this man will ever do.
18 Do It Yourself Monstrosities
- You could get a DUI trying to get away from these DIY.
Guy's Try To Launch Sex Doll With Fireworks
- What could go wrong...?
399-Year-Old Painting Is Cleaned For First Time, The...
- The expert took off a now unnecessary varnish so the...
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