33 Deadly Jobs Where Balance Is Key
- These guys are the least clumsy workers on Earth.
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Motorcycle Sidecar Races Are Dangerous — And Sick As...
- If you have a death wish that isn’t satisfied by...
This Motorcycle Swing Set Looks Dangerously Fun
- Every motorcycle rider has to have a little bit of an...
15 Times Movie Stunt Performers Took Extreme Risks
- Don't try these at home.
Employees Walk Out On Boss After Being Forced to Work...
- When a factory worker's colleague was killed by...
The Insanely Dangerous Work of Mining Sand
- One such dark topic brought to light by the internet...
Look at These Stairs Designed for People Not Afraid to...
- To give a brief introduction, stairs. We use them...
Filing Cabinet Smoker Proves BBQ Season Is Here for a...
- Rust, paint, and fumes, oh my! Unfortunately we can't...
Innocent Things That Are Much More Dangerous Than They...
- Between the impending dangers of climate change, big...
15 Dangerous Things We Did Growing Up That Kids Today...
- This is going to sound like 'angry man yelling at...
Laundromat Machine Explodes in Epic Security Cam Video
- I hate doing laundry more than I like clean clothes,...
Guy's Lighter Blows Up in His Hand to Remind Him...
- If nothing else I guess this proves that smoking is...
Paraglider Refuses to be Assassinated by The Universe
- A professional paraglider in Spain cheated death while...
Boat Slingshots Solid-Steel Bollard Through the Air
- The launch of a new boat accidentally slingshotted a...
Man Filming Avalanche Thinks He’s Safe, He Isn't
- At least he got a cool video.
30 Examples of Jobs and Workplaces Where Safety Was...
- Someone's going to end up getting killed here.
36 Smart Tips to Keep You Alive
- These could help you out.
Ex-Corrections Officer Talks About Life Inside Rikers...
- An ex-correction officer lifts the veil on the...
19 Things Most People Don't Know Can Seriously Mess...
- Better watch out for these things dangerous things.
Global Delicacies With Deadly Potential: 11 Dangerous...
- Some places have delicacies that seem like they are...
22 Examples of Propaganda Working as Expected
- Propaganda is just a part of our daily lives now. We...
32 Terrifying Times and Wild Ways People Almost Met...
- Sometimes, the line between life and death is so thin.
11 People Who Went Missing Describe What Happened to...
- Many of which detail the funny, scary, and downright...
Chariot Racing With Motorcycles Was Just as Crazy and...
- At the 1933 Police and Fireman's Festival in...
Hit and Run on Busy L.A. Freeway Escalates Quickly...
- After a hit-and-run left a vehicle disabled on the...
Dude Tosses Firework into Garbage Bin, Somehow Avoids...
- Apparently to the guy in the video, this seemed like...
Engineer Explains Why the Milk Crate Challenge Is...
- Sure, some people have made it, but there's a literal,...
Longboarder's Close Call Highlight Reel Is Thrilling...
- That's enough excitement for one day!
24 Normal But Dangerous Things We Did as 80's Kids
- Back when people didn't really care about child safety.
Dude Opens Can in Crocodile's Mouth, Buddy Shotguns...
- A ballsy move for sure. This dude literally reaches...
Woman Yeets Bear Off Her Fence to Save Her Dogs
- The bear was protecting her Cubs and the woman was...
Throwing an Axe Like a Boomerang Looks Dangerous AF
- One small error when catching it and you can kiss your...
Someone Is Getting Fired after Lava Spill, No Pun...
- The floor is lava, but make it real. Someone is in for...
The 15 Most Overpowered Characters In Gaming
- The best thing about gaming is being so OP you can...
42 Laborers Who Don't Practice Construction Safety
- If you're on a job and someone is using their...
Baby Left to Die in a Hot Car is Rescued by a Cop
- The mother of the baby was identified and arrived on...
Curious Black Bear Gets a Little Too Close For Comfort
- This video was taken in, Chipinque Ecological Park, in...
23 Things People Don't Realize Are Actually Pretty...
- Sometimes, it's the things you don't see coming that...
Cheerleader Doesn't Realize She's Been Bitten by...
- When she took off her shoes, she was bitten by a...
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