Rollerblader Almost Dies
- Genius decides to rollerblade over a mall sun-dome and...
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Hurt: World Ain't Right
- American soldiers discuss the attacks that made them...
Police Chase Ends in Flames
- August 13 2009, a high speed police chase ends with a...
One Man Shindig
- Man on so many drugs having a severe party in his...
Death of a Spider
- That is a terrible way to go...
Bullfighting Mishaps WARNING GRAPHIC!!!
- It's just a bad idea to mess with pissed off bulls!...
Billy Mayes Tribute - Dead at 50
- This has got to be the weirdest week in history, and...
Amazing Float plane Crash
- Guy nearly nearly dies while filming a float plane's...
Thai Police Carradine Death May Be Accidental
- June 5th 2009 From the ABC News in Bangkok:: The body...
Starship Enterprise Destroyed by the Death Star
- What can you say? San Francisco's cracking down on...
Iranian Death Penalty
- The eBaum community would be annihilated!
DIY Wall of Death
- Home made wall of death made with 850 wooden pallets
Amazing Lion Attack
- It usually only gets this close in the movies. This is...
Bad Gymnastics Accident
- She badly overshoots her target
Gladiator Death Battle
- Two fierce competitors enter the ring...only one...
Get Her
- Funny animation about what guys will go through to get...
Killer Frog Eats a Bird
- Kermit must of had the Munchies!
Death Takes a Holiday
- Death takes a holiday but we got it all on camera.
Weird Coffins
- With enough money you can get buried in whatever you...
Charles Manson Sings
- In this News report Manson sings, the report also...
Naked Man Tasered Dies
- A man stark naked falls to his death after being...
Funny Tombstones
- I know death is not funny, but these stones sure are!
Divers Last Minutes Captured On Camera
- Something went terribly wrong during this diving...
Pandemic 2
- Create a virus and kill off the world's population.
Mummifying Mouse
- Ever want to know how to mummify a mouse?
Celebrity Tombstones
- Coming soon to a cemetery near you.
Boy Wants to Kill the President
- Better watch out, Mr. President.
The Funeral
- One fall day, Dave was out raking leaves when he...
Truck Thief Run Over
- This guy was run over at a truck stop while trying to...
Interesting Graves
- These people definitely had a sense of humor when they...
Prescription For Love
- A lady walked into a drugstore and told the pharmacist...
New Girls Gone Wild
- The Girls Gone Wild crew is really scraping the bottom...
Dead Catacombs in Paris
- From under the streets of Paris, France.
Funniest Movie Deaths
- Another great selection of funny or poorly done movie...
Worst Funeral Ever
- Classic: This has to be the absolute worst thing that...
- This Belgian lady doused herself in petrol then lit a...
Eaten Alive
- Be careful where you fall asleep; you may end up like...
eBaum's Picks