26 Tweets and Reactions to Denmark Buying California
- The vikings are coming for California.
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Dad Reveals He’s Won the Lottery to His Sons in the...
- This dad in Denmark decided to really stretch out just...
Customers Experience IKEA Sleepover Proving Dreams Do...
- It hurts to watch other people living out your dreams....
Danish Road Safety Council's Pro-Helmet PSA is Simply...
- If anybody was going to understand the importance of a...
Robert Plant Introduces Led Zeppelin to Seated...
- Can you even imagine being lucky enough to be there...
Denmark Has a Ride Where They Basically Drop You Off...
- There's probably no way this could end badly... seems...
Danish Cops At Legal Drag Racing Event Get Bored,...
- This is the kind of community policing we can all get...
Donald Trump Wants To Buy Greenland
- We already own a warm island, why not buy a cold one?
22 Fascinating Photos Full Of History That Will...
- Photos from the past that remind us today that we're...
Will Smith Interview Goes Way Right
- A wacky/fun sprint from start to finish.
23 Historical Fascinating Facts
- Imagine all the cool facts about the world today, then...
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