Instant Karma For Budapest Driver Break Checking A Bus...
- The collision did $45K (usd) in damages to the Bentley...
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Delivery Driver Takes Food Back After Getting $8 Tip
- That's a special level of entitlement right there.
Amazon Driver Leaps Over Fence to Escape Huge,...
- An Amazon driver delivering a package made a quick...
Detroit Driver Arrested After Successfully Jumping...
- An impatient driver decided he wasn't going to wait...
Uber Driver Calls 911 on Rich Jerk Who Attacked Him
- Uber Driver Kicks out passenger for not wearing mask. ...
Citizens Watch in Disbelief as Cops Let a Drunk Driver...
- Footage of the bizarre incident has ended up on local...
Amazon Driver Delivers Package Before Stealing It
- Amazon delivery drivers aren't exactly known for their...
Worker Turned Into a Human Missile after Cable Snaps...
- A scooter wheel snags a cable laying across the road...
Entitled Kid With Anger Issues Tries to Intimidate His...
- Oh MY GOD. This kid is the poster child of what being...
Pizza Girl Shares Stories From Some of Her Weirdest...
- Being a pizza delivery driver can be a pretty weird...
Uber Driver Gets Back at Nasty Passenger By Following...
- If you think you know better than someone who does...
Dude Gets Pulled Over by Cop With Hilarious Sense of...
- Apparently it was Officer Tattletail on duty that...
Clueless driver drags a U-Haul trailer on its side...
- The video begins with a vehicle that sees the U-Haul...
Karen Gets Mad at Pregnant Delivery Driver, Husband...
- It turns out this Karen did have a reason to be...
Dominos Delivery Driver Loses His Cool After...
- The area supervisor and the store manager personally...
Tow Truck Driver Got Arrested For Trying to Repo a...
- A tow truck driver was arrested and his truck booted...
Careless Driver Runs a Red and Crashes Right In Front...
- Red means stop!
Woman Gives Award-Worthy Speech to Truck Driver
- This road rage rant was scripted and delivered to...
Miami Driver Gets Into an Accident While Fleeing...
- Props to the cameraman for staying put and committing...
Chinese Taxi Driver Trying to Avoid Coronavirus Leaves...
- I can't really comment on how effective this would...
Driver Screams as Tow Truck Flips His Car With Him...
- An Ohio man is still in disbelief that as he was...
Woman in Street Has Close Encounter with Death as Bus...
- Talk about a close call!
7 Celebrities I Could Take in a Fight, and 4 That I...
- These are a few of the celebrities whose asses I could...
Insane Woman Goes OFF on Her Lyft Driver
- When a 5-minute stop becomes a 15-minute stop, this...
Scary Video Shows Inside of a School Bus as It Flips...
- This is scary stuff. Warning: video could be...
Guy Finds an 'Alien' Bug Crawling Through his Car
- Hair-raising moment driver finds a six-legged 'alien'...
Schoolbus Lazily Slides Sideways on Icy Minnesota Roads
- Here's hoping the driver was eventually able to get it...
UPS Driver Battles Horrific Ice Covered Driveway in...
- UPS driver hilariously struggles to get package the...
Samaritan Finds Driver Stuck In A Ditch, Decides To...
- Aye, you can't park here mate!
The Most Disgusting Case of Police Incompetence In...
- Police not only killed the UPS driver who had been...
Police Murdered My Son: Father of UPS Driver Killed in...
- Joe Merino, the stepfather of Frank Ordonez, believes...
Driver Loses Control & Perfectly Flies Over a Dozen...
- This car went airborne, travelling 139 feet over 12...
Amazon Delivery Guy Caught Stealing Package After...
- This is why I'm having all my stuff shipped to a store...
Race Car Driver Has an Extremely Close With Death When...
- A piece of metal from another vehicle comes crashing...
Idiot Driver Causes Serious Accident Because They...
- Moron comes to a screeching halt in the middle of the...
Woman Fleeing The Scene of a Car Crash Immediately...
- An Austrian woman gets into a car crash after trying...
Truck Driver Shares Insane Story About an A**Hole...
- That was one angry monkey!
Driver's Road Rage is Hilariously Interrupted by Her...
- Pro tip: be sure to engage your hand brake and wait...
Angry School Bus Driver Stops Short, Sends a Kid Into...
- Video captured from a school bus shows a Mesa, Arizona...
Man Accidentally Pits Drunk Driver At Over 100 MPH
- Buckle up for this one as an alleged Drunk driver in...
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