Drunkest Dude Alive Forgets How Legs Work
- This guy is trying to play it cool, but his body isn't...
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29 Drunk Text Wins And Fails
- Funny moments and discussions capture via text message.
25 Drunks Who Woke Up As "Art"
- There are certain risks you take when passing out...
15 Hilarious Notes Left by Roommates
- Never be afraid to express yourself to your roommates!
Lady Explains Her Love For Monster Trucks
- I want what she's having!
13 Things Only True When You're Drunk
- These things couldn't be more true. ...Until tomorrow.
17 Incredible Drunk Notes Discovered The Morning After
- Blame it on the a-a-a-alcohol.
Funny Drunk Notes From Drunk People
- A drunk note can help you piece things back...
Funny Drunk Notes From Drunk People
- A drunk note can help you piece things back...
Drunk's Dumb Stunt Results In Knockout
- Dave climbs a bmx sign and then slams into the...
15 Signs You Might Need to Call It a Night
- When your reaction to these pictures are, "Oh, I hate...
When You're Drunk And Trying To Get Someone's Attention
- Hey... hey... HEEEEYYY! (Loud Volume)
Signs That Drunk You Is Your Worst Enemy
- Sometimes large amounts of alcohol brings out the "Mr....
Signs That Drunk You Is Your Worst Enemy
- Sometimes large amounts of alcohol brings out the "Mr....
Drunk Girl In Public, A Social Experiment
- You won't believe how some guys react to a super drunk...
The Drunkest Guy Ever
- At least he's a happy drunk!
Party Trick Fail Of Epic Proportions
- Somebody didn't plan this out very well...
Two Guys Find Russian Chuck Norris In The Woods
- They see a man passed out by the road when suddenly......
How NOT To Exit A Parking Garage
- The real question is, how do people like this get...
Swerving Driver Causes A 3-Car Accident
- Not sure if the driver was drunk, high or just falling...
Drunken Idiot Catches Himself On Fire
- Guy jumps through a ring of fire and doesn't even come...
People "Zombified" By Alcohol
- The "Walking Dead' theme turns drunk people trying to...
How Babies Resemble Little Drunk People
- 26 pics and gifs of how babies act like drunks.
Guy Commits Party Foul Against Friend
- If you have friends who do stuff like this... It may...
Drunk Girls Play The Devil's Wheel
- One of the oldest attractions at Oktoberfest, The...
Drunk Guy Smashes Face Into Dashboard
- Always wear a seat belt, especially if your friends...
Drunk Russian Catches A Log With His Face
- This guy over-estimated his strength and his catching...
17 People Who Had One Too Many
- The booze is strong with these folks.
Drunk Girl Runs Into An Imaginary Hill
- This super drunk girl struggles to walk, and goes head...
Drunk Guy Takes A Spill At The Bar
- He was counting on that counter, but was let down.
Dude Chugs A Whole Bottle Of Jack
- Meanwhile you sip on your Michelob Ultra...
Drunk Russian Attempts The Rope Swing
- This Russian Tarzan doesn't have the mechanics of the...
3 Cheap Booze Hacks
- Turning bottom shelf into top shelf.
Drunk Knocks Himself Out On Door Knob
- This is what happens when you stand up too fast and...
Drunk Belgian Man Catches Invisible Fish
- A drunken man who enters a fishing contest is...
Drunk Wife Makes A Snack
- She has quite an unusual version of the typical...
Drunk Aunt On BMX Bike Faceplants
- Alcohol plus bike ramp dock equals concussed...
Drunk Man Won't Leave, Gets The Hose
- He wouldn't leave the property, so he gets a quick...
Drunk Chick Vs Hotel Room Door
- She's gonna have two headaches in the morning.
Drunk Charlie Sheen At Taco Bell Drive Thru
- Stumbling drunk through the shrubbery of a taco bell...
eBaum's Picks