Chair Slingshot
- This is exactly what friends are for!
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Time Lapse Shaming
- A time lapse video of the ultimate Christmas themed...
Santa Drops In...
- WayBack WHENsday: Santa might have had a little too...
Buzz Triathlon
- An impressive showing of debauchery.
Danny Devito Drunk?
- Here's the clip everyone is talking about, is he...
Field Sobriety Test
- Well... I don't think they need to do any more tests
Jack Daniels Funnel
- This guy funnels an entire bottle of Jack Daniels.
Lawnmower Chase
- This isn't exactly a high speed chase...
Passed Out Prank
- This is what happens when you're the first to pass out...
Orson Welles Ad
- Orson Welles is completely smashed during the filming...
Drunk Russian
- We're not sure what's going on here, but it's...
Drunk Log Load
- Watch these drunk guys struggle trying to load a log...
Streetlight Jump
- What's more dangerous? The jump, or the things being...
Diddy Drunk
- Or P. Diddy, or Puff Daddy, or whatever he's calling...
Dog Humps Man
- Another reason to NEVER drink tequila!
Britney Spears is Crazy
- Or on drugs, you decide.
Way Too Drunk
- Man, how drunk are these people?
Jose Cuervo Chug
- This guy chugs a liter of Jose Cuervo!
Too Much Booze
- Maybe this guy should have stopped before that last...
News Interrupt
- This guy just wants to be on TV.
Home Run
- How far can you walk home drunk?
Fly Girl
- Avoid all the drunk guys.
Too Much Vodka
- Kid drinks too much and smashes head.
Knife Game
- This guy is so drunk he can't feel his own stab wounds.
Extreme Drunkness
- This is why you should drink at home.
Is Elvis Drunk?
- Rare footage of musical icon Elvis drunk as a skunk on...
Paris Hilton Car Crash
- Paris' boyfriend crashes her Bentley. Looks like he's...
Anna Drunk
- In loving memory of Anna Nicole Smith.
GW Bush Drunk at Wedding
- George W Bush drunk at a wedding. Yay.
Reporter Attacked
- This news reporter wasn't expecting this.
Beer Party
- Drink drink drink drink drink drink drink drink drink!
Constantine Falls
- Watch a falling American Idol star.
Steve-O Drunk On Adam Corolla Show
- CLASSIC: Good thing he doesn't try all those stunts in...
Drunken Ownage
- How could this guy sleep through all of this?!...
- This guy enjoys being tazered it seems.
Vodka Girl
- The best drunken improvised song about Vodka. Ever.
Backwards Beer Bong
- GROSS! This is just disgusting.
Bottle Breaker
- This kid breaks a beer bottle over his head!
Whitney Houston Fan
- A drunken french host hits on Whitney Houston.
Cotteneye Joe Chug
- How deep in the country do you have to go before these...
eBaum's Picks