Drunk Girl Leaves Her New Crush Ryan a Fantastic...
- Love at first sight. This girl sounds like a keeper....
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Guy Shows the Power of Not Saying a Single Word at...
- This interaction may be awkward but it's a clever way...
Karen Has a Meltdown on Boaters Because Well, That's...
- "Unwelcomed" visitors to a private marina drives a...
Drunk Woman Exemplifies How Many Americans Will Return...
- Some folks are ready to go out and catch that virus...
Runaway Wino Siphoning Wine from a Moving Truck Is...
- Wine moms can also be thirsty dudes in their underwear.
American Flag with Bowl Cut Drinks Hard and Parties...
- Snorting mustard off a watermelon is the least weird...
Crazy Lady Tries Stealing Other People's Drinks
- Honestly lady, I'm pretty sure you've had more than...
Man Blasts 2 Drunk Chicks With Hose for Peeing in his...
- These two Mardi Graw chicks stumbled into a man's...
Drunk Virginia Tech Tailgater is a Meme Come to Life
- "Go Sports!"
Drunk Irish Guys Trying to Move a Couch End Up Failing...
- This is just hilarious to watch.
Adult Film Stars Play a Game of Truth-or-Drink
- Weirdly enough, not even the most sexual episode of...
Judge Throws a Drunk Driver’s Mom in Jail for...
- The mom of an accused drunk driver got a harsh lesson...
Drunk "Muppet" Blows into a Walkie-Talkie While Trying...
- What a ding-bat. This drunk idiot tried to prove his...
Dude Carries His WAY TOO DRUNK Girl Out Of...
- Her friend isn't happy about this being recorded, but...
Drunk Old Dude Gets Into an Argument With His Own...
- If you've ever wondered how to tell you've had one too...
Person at a Party Who Only Knows One Line of 'Tiny...
Drunk Dude Tries Running From Cops, Isn't Very...
- You know you're too drunk when you’re full-on...
Samaritan Finds Driver Stuck In A Ditch, Decides To...
- Aye, you can't park here mate!
Trashy Adults Use Baby as Part of Their Drinking Game
- Not sure what's worse - using the kid as a way to get...
Joe Biden Appears to be Losing His Damn Mind During...
- A bizarre and barely coherent statement from Joe Biden...
Entitled Dude Thinks He Can Do Whatever He Wants In...
- The people who choose to do this awful job are more...
Big Girl Takes a Tumble After Sitting on a Sink Counter
- Well, that went pretty much exactly how I expected it...
Cuba Gooding Jr.'s Girlfriend is Pretty Fed Up With Him
- It's unclear what the cause of the fight was, though...
BART Employee Heroically Saves Man Who Fell in Front...
- On Sunday, November 3, 2019, a transportation...
Crazy NYC Subway Rider Flips Out on His Mannequin For...
- Dangit, Wilson!
DMX Asks Panhandler Why he Can't be Happy with What he...
- Dmx gave this panhandler a lecture before giving him...
Drunk Scottish Dude Wakes up on Very Understanding...
- After partying a little too hard the night before,...
Extremely Intoxicated Police Officer Totaled His...
- PIQUA, Ohio Piqua Police have opened an investigation...
Woman Films Man Who Appears to Be Drunk in a Company...
- An allegedly intoxicated man in Belmont, Massachusetts...
Man Accidentally Pits Drunk Driver At Over 100 MPH
- Buckle up for this one as an alleged Drunk driver in...
Pilot Allegedly Attempts to Board His Plane While...
- New surveillance video shows what Delta pilot Gabriel...
10-Year-Old Calls 911 Because His Drunk Mom Is Keeping...
- Mom of the year!
Drunk Idiot Shouts at State Trooper on Traffic Stop...
- Officer Tattoo lays down the law on this either drunk...
White House Economic Adviser Appeared to be Plastered...
- Larry Kudlow knows how to party. It seems like he did...
Twitch Streamer OnlyUseMeBlade Gets Grilled by Chris...
- A livestream went viral when viewers became outraged...
Drunk Idiot Gets Rekt After Jumping Through A Glass...
- Tune in for a very special episode of "Bad Idea, Bro."
This Drunk Driver Arrest At A Drive-Thru Is Like A...
- This is literally like something ripped out of a TV...
Uber Driver Remains Calm Even With a "Possessed" Girl...
- An uber driver displays heroic levels of patience with...
Woman Tries To Use Toy Credit Card At Store, Gets Told...
- "Lunchable-ass card" might be my new favorite...
Drunk Man Navigates Directly into an Obvious Police...
- Franklin County Sheriff’s footage shows a man...
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