21 Steak Lovers Sharing the Worst Steak They've Ever...
- These cooks should be imprisoned for steak crimes.
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20 Hilariously Bad Licenses and ID's That TSA Isn't...
- It’s a nerve-wracking moment to take your driver’s...
'Moe Lester': 30 Comically Bad Names Parents Cursed...
- Not everyone loves their name.
Man Has a Really Hard Time Trying to Get Off the Train
- In India, entering the train is hard, exiting the...
Watch a Bunch of Idiots Try and Fail to Beat a Train...
- Traffic barriers are there for a reason.
Woman Learns Why You Don’t Wear Leather Pants on a...
- There are many reasons to not wear leather pants.
Watch Cars Get Wrecked Going Over a Massive Speed Bump
- If you like the sounds of scraping metal, then this is...
Olympic Cameraman Zones Out and Walks Into 5,000-Meter...
- Hey, uh, we’re trying to do something here!
Champagne Celebration Becomes Bubbly Facial
- Popping bottles, getting sprayed.
Woman Walking Her Dog Struck by Runaway Moose
- Russia is home to a lot of beautiful nature....
Woman’s Roomba Spreads Dog Poop All Over Her House
- Automatic vacuum cleaners are supposed to make your...
Chinese Police Officer Makes Pathetic Attempt at...
- No one wants to work anymore! From the US of A to...
Funny Tweets: J.K. Rowling's People Offer 'No Comment'...
- Has Rowling's brain simply succumbed to a particularly...
Cop Whacks Dude With Riot Shield As Many Times As He...
- I don’t know if you’ve heard, but there are riots...
This Lambo Hits a Bollard, Then Doesn’t Learn Its...
- Bollards are a constant struggle for car owners.
'TGIF': 23 People Having a Seriously Bad Day at Work
- It's almost time to clock out for the weekend and for...
Olympic Pole Vaulter Loses Because of his Massive Dong
- A classic win/lose situation, if you ask me.
20 Disgusting People Airing Out Their Toes in Public
- Alright, the internet has a thing for feet.
Man Bends Iron Using Only a Roundhouse Kick
- Yeah, he might need surgery in a few years.
Builders Accidentally Drill Into Sewer Pipe, Create...
- We’ve struck brown gold!
Olympic Triathlete Vomits After Swimming in the Poop...
- The Seine is safe to swim in, right? While the French...
35 Lame and Cheap Bootleg Products
- Hilarious off-brand products present a weirder, darker...
Influencer’s Thirst Trap Ruined When Random Woman...
- When coming across an influencer posting a thirst...
Steve Aoki Made an EDM Remix of the ‘Pirates of the...
- If you think you’re at the bottom, you can always go...
Brit Gets Out of Arrest By Just Jogging Away
- Cops are pretty easy to defeat if you’ve been to the...
'Close Enough' - 25 Graphic Designers That Phoned it in
- Graphic design is when art conveys information – and...
23 Public Murals From Art School Drop Outs
- Here’s some proof that not everyone should be an...
Windstorm Sends Festival-Goers Tents and Trash Flying
- Camping at a music festival is rarely a good idea.
Woman Shoveling Snow Gets Hit With an Avalanche
- She should probably just take the day off after this.
Man Learns Why You Don't Leave a Metal Can in a Heated...
- A self-heating lunchbox seems like a good idea. A hot...
Man Runs Into Glass Door in the Funniest Way Possible
- Maybe we just can’t handle glass doors.
British Dude Gets a Brick to the Balls
- Right in the tea bags!
The Olympic Village Is Overrun with Bugs
- Bad food, no A/C, and now bugs. What's not to love?
Enjoy the Zen Calm of This Man With a Candle in His...
- Have you ever wanted to relax but didn’t know how?
21 People Who Were Fired in the Absolute Worst Way...
- Whether out of the blue, or after a difficult...
Terrible Dubstep Artists Want You to ‘Activate Your...
- Dubstep was a mistake.
Motorcyclist Hit By Car Does Front Flip and Sticks the...
- Maybe the key to motorcycle safety isn’t only a...
Concert Interrupted by Golf Cart Crashing Into Drummer
- It’s like a stage dive, but in reverse and using a...
Man Trying to Fix Bug Problem Ends Up With Face Full...
- An “expert” will tell you that the only way to...
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