33 Ridiculous Construction Fails and Flounders
- Check out this batch of images that showcase some...
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A.I. Imagines What Lies Just Beyond the Edges of...
- Who knew David Bowie had Taylor Swift's legs?
Serial Sperm Donor Dead after His Hand-Built Airplane...
- New York fertility doctor, Dr. Morris Wortman, who has...
People are Exposing the Rudest Celebrities They've...
- Just because they’re nice on screen doesn’t mean...
Botched ATM Robbery Prank Leaves YouTuber With Broken...
- Pranks are supposed to be funny.
20 Once Popular Celebrities Who Have Kind of...
- While some celebrities have controversy that they...
20 Soul-Crushing Photos of Guys Who Went Shopping With...
- And this was before they saw the bill.
20 Soul-Crushing Photos of Guys Who Went Shopping With...
- And this was before they saw the bill.
MAGA Rapper Trump's Nephew Releases Anti-Target...
- Holy shit. We used to be a proper country.
Gollum The Worst Game of 2023 One Day After Release -...
- Yesterday the sort-of-anticipated Gollum game was...
“Masculinity” Influencers Are Obsessed With the...
- Twitter user @brutalmindset posted a photo of a line...
38 Examples of People's Hopes and Dreams Being Crushed...
- Check out these funny and bizarre examples of things...
26 Pictures That Could Use a Bit of Context
- We don't know what is going on and we're okay with...
The Worst Corporate Blunders and PR Nightmares of...
- Corporations do all sorts of things to advertise their...
25 Companies That Went From 'Excellent to Overrated'
- Many companies have corrupt practices or treat their...
Apply Palm Directly to Face: 35 People Who Had One Job...
- If you think you're a failure, hold on to your hat...
25 Funny Pics and Memes to Stop You In Your Tracks
- If you're here to try to make sense of the world, then...
35 Prime Examples of Murphy's Law in Action
- So take a few moments and browse through this...
'Reborn Dolls': The Community of People Caring For...
- Meet the community of people who are dedicated to...
25 Clueless People Who Clearly Missed the Joke
- Sarcasm isn't for everyone.
22 Typical Encounters With Karens In The Wild
- Check out these stories from folks who had to deal...
25 Kids’ Movies That Are Actually Pretty Fucked Up
- We remember kids' movies as lighthearted and...
20 Conspiracy Theories People Low-Key Believe
- Some conspiracy theories are so farfetched that there...
Taylor Swift Fans Thought They Bought Front Row Seats,...
- Summer concert season is upon us! The most notable...
'I Would Disown Myself': Reddit Mom Unveils Her...
- Though her son may be a graduate, one mom is making...
30 Unhinged Posts As Seen On TikTok
- TikTok has a unique chaotic nature.
31 Times People's Day Went Sideways
- We've all experienced those moments in life when...
How a Mice-Eating Coven of George Washington...
- TikTok storytimes have gotten weird. Alexis Emerson,...
AITA: Twin Insulted After Being Invited To Their...
- One Redditor learned a very hard lesson about their...
'Is That a Window Penis?': Twitter Stumped by...
- Quickly earning the very fitting moniker of “dick...
28 Beyond Infuriating Landlords Who Are a Renter's...
- Cheap landlords trying to fix things are the worst.
Guys With Gun Stickers On Their Cars Are Being...
- “Molon Labe” is an ancient Spartan saying that...
“He’s a Menace!” Woman Claims Her Dad...
- Despite both having “spray” in their respective...
Clueless Weightlifter Nearly Decapitates Himself
- When you don't know what you're doing in the gym and...
‘Hello My Ladies’: ‘King Arogack’ Shoots His...
- When trying to take a picture at a ren fair, these two...
16-Year-Old 'Conservative Commenter' Gets Roasted Hard...
- Ever since Bud Light created a limited edition can...
25 People Share the Moment They Realized They Were...
- We all do stupid stuff sometimes, but these people are...
'Incest In Peace': The UN Calls For Peaceful Incest On...
- The United Nations: The global champions of world...
TikTok Rapper Britt Barbie Just Released the Worst Rap...
- There is no debate about it, this is the worst rap...
30 Terrible Products and Bad Designs That Failed...
- We’re surrounded by low-effort, unaesthetic garbage.
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