Dog Tries To Save Fish Out Of Water
- This dog has a heart of gold!
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Bangkok Mall Becomes Home To Strange Inhabitants
- This building in Bangkok, was closed in 1997 due to...
Dog Encounters Fish For The First Time
- Wait for it..
Cat Fishing For Cat
- Hold on, I think I've got a nibble...
The Jellyfish Sombrero
- Steevo stumbles upon an incredible number of jellyfish...
Rare Oarfish Sighting
- Vacationers in Baja, Mexico captured footage of a very...
Puffer Fish Goes Into Self Defense Mode
- An awesome display of natural instinct.
Girl Gets Slapped In The Face By A Whale
- When wale watching gets up close and personal!
Dolphin Masturbates With Dead Fish (NSFW)
- Taking your kids to the aquarium may teach them some...
A Fish's Lucky Day
- Fisherman spares a fish's life, twice in 5 minutes....
Fishing Can Be Fun
- This gallery might motivate you into picking up your...
In Soviet Russia, Fish Catches You!
- A fisherman gets his hand caught in the mouth of a...
The Limp Fish Nut Shot
- What could be more fun than sliding head first into a...
Bald Eagle Gets A Fish Treat
- The majestic bird flies in up close and personal for a...
True Facts About The Mantis Shrimp
- The Mantis Shrimp has sexnocular vision. I wish I had...
Catching A Much Bigger Fish Than Expected
- Some guys on a fishing trip catch more than they...
Big Catch Destroyed By Pair Of Bull Sharks
- After catching a huge fish at sea, two Bull Sharks rip...
Fishing Trip Turns Painful
- A fishing lure to the eyelid, ouch!
'This Is Water' An Allegory on the Power of Thinking...
- If you've never seen this short video based on the...
Catching 2 Fish At Once
- Nature does the weirdest things sometimes...
Goldfish Gets An "Aquatic Wheelchair"
- And so the cyborg fish revolution begins...
Don't Drive On Thin Ice
- A genius loses his SUV when the ice underneath breaks...
Best Way To Catch A Tarpon?
- Like a man, with your bare hands.
Bizarre Facts About Angler Fish
- Weird but true info about one of nature's most hideous...
Plank Fishing Fail
- Guys decides to use a plank of wood to get further out...
Killer Fish
- It's just a fish, LADY!
Small Fishing Master
- Watch the skilled ginger at work!
Fish Launches Successful Pre-emptive Strike
- One man's fishing trip is ruined when a fish gets to...
Crow Uses Bait to Fish
- Damn nature, you clever!
- Aquarium filled with mechanical fish with laser guided...
Whale Shark Sucks Fish Out of Net
- In Indonesia's Cendrawasih Bay, whale sharks often...
Who Says Fishing Isn't Exciting?
- Wait for it...
How To Catch A Razor Clam
- I did not expect that.
The Beautiful World
- Animal edition.
Sea Lion Attacks Kayaker
- These people were kayaking and came across a sea lion...
Catching The Big One
- A Shark comes along and trolls your catch.
Man Protests Restaurant's All-You-Can-Eat Policy
- 350-Pound man protests restaurant because...
Pike Eats Baby Duck
- Damn nature you scary!
Davy Jones' Beer Bong
- I chugged thirty six (36) goldfish through a beer...
Puffer Fish Chases a Laser Pointer
- I guess its not just cats that enjoy chasing laser...
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