23 People Who Got Bad Tattoos That Were Inked With...
- It usually takes both a bad customer and a bad artist...
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39 Failed Designs and Just Plain Bad Ideas
- Time to go back to the drawing board. While their...
So Bad It's Good - Samurai Cop a True 90's...
- Samurai Cop is the worst movie ever made and the best...
30 Terrible Products and Bad Designs That Failed...
- We’re surrounded by low-effort, unaesthetic garbage.
29 People With Terrible Neighbors That No One Wants to...
- People who shared their neighbors that are the most...
28 Horrible Bosses That Need To Be Shamed Online
- We've all had bad bosses and for those of us lucky to...
27 People Who Ruin Dining Out For the Rest of Us
- Don't be like these people. The rest of humanity will...
40 Bad Bosses And Why Nobody Wants to Work For Them
- Even if you have landed your dream job, a bad boss...
Back to the Drawing Board: 31 Just Plain Terribly...
- A good design can make all the difference when it...
35 Online Ads Chock Full of Cringe
- These only thing these ads are selling is the cringe.
23 Questionable Ads That Made Us Cringe
- What on earth were they thinking?
42 Headlines That Show How Messed Up the World Is
- Bad enough to get your blood boiling.
Facepalm Pics That'll Make You Question Humanity
- The world has simply lost its marbles.
29 Designs Somebody Should Have Said "No" To
- Let this be a reminder to always have someone else...
They Made a Huge Mistake: New Owners Lay Everyone Off,...
- This company and its new owners experienced an...
20 Controversial Star Wars Takes That May Upset a...
- Star Wars is one of the most popular epic space-opera...
25 Old-Redditors Reveal The Craziest Stories From The...
- Reddit has been there for a while, and it suffices to...
Mistakes Were Made: 15 Cringey Trends People Will...
- The modern-day is full of awful trends. Here are the...
20 Iconic Movies That Pretty Much Nailed Predicting...
- While most tv-shows and movies are absolute fiction,...
Evil Ways Product Designers and Marketers Screw With Us
- They should be ashamed.
25 Popular Things From 2000s That Aren't Used Anymore
- Who would've thought that some of the most exciting...
24 Dull Edges Who Elementary Facts They Learned Late...
- Sometimes, life isn't fair, which is what happened to...
15 Servants Reveal Rich People's Secrets
- Rich people are known for doing some crazy things....
25 Dark Facts for Cognitive Creeps
- Too many horrors are lying around in every corner of...
25 Make-A-Wish Employees Reveal The Craziest Wishes...
- Kids are wonderfully innocent beings who see the...
Drastic and Absurd Ways People Are Trying to Save Money
- Are you worried about your financials? Join the club.
24 Terrifying Facts That Help Put History into...
- The past is full of scary incidents that happened once...
15 People Reveal What They Love About The '90s
- The good old '90s. The last time the world was truly...
18 Skills That Are Easier To Learn Than You Think
- They say it's never too late to learn something new,...
25 Greatest 'F**k You's' Throughout History
- History is full of amazing moments that might be hard...
25 Most Horrifying Movies Scenes Of All Time
- If you're looking to watch movies with some of the...
25 Normal Things That Look SUS At Night
- These ordinary things people do during the day look...
Outdated Things That Shouldn’t Exist Anymore
- These outdated ideas need to go away ASAP.
Common Modern Day Scams - 22 Pseudosciences People...
- Pseudoscience theories people annoyingly treat as fact.
25 False Truths and Misconceptions People Need to...
- There is too much incorrect information on the...
25 Things People Should Know Before Visiting the USA
- The USA is big, with many places to visit. Here are 25...
23 Creepy and Disturbing Facts about the World’s...
- The ocean might not be outer space, but it surely is...
20 Bad Bosses Who Don’t Understand the Real World
- They make work worse than it already is.
20 Bad Bosses Who Don’t Understand the Real World
- They make work worse than it already is.
20 Dad Jokes That We Hate to Laugh At
- Are you looking for some weird and wacky jokes to...
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