Spider So Big It Makes Noise When It Moves!
- Interesting choice for a family pet, just don't expect...
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Kayak Fisherman Dangerously Hooks A Huge Shark
- Just cut that shit loose and count your blessings. . .
Overweight Guy Wows Everyone With Huge Air On Water...
- Hopefully, no one was in the landing zone!
Dumbass Makes Huge Mess While Fellow Employees...
- You messed up big-time.
Dumb Oaf Lights Huge Firecracker In His Pocket
- Idiot lights firework and drops it in his cargo shorts.
Moments A Huge Sink Whole Opens Up In A Backyard
- Instant built in swimming pool?
DMCA - Hot Chick Goes Noodling For Massive Catfish
- Yep, that's a keeper.
Warship Takes Huge Wave Over The Bow
- The ship handles the wave, but you can hear the...
Semi Takes Brutal Hit From Distracted Trucker
- Quit texting buddy.
DMCA - Guy Calmly Eats A Slice Of Pizza During A Fight
- While chaos unfolds around him, this guy only has one...
Kid Accidentally Causes A Huge Crash During Race
- Oops... did I do that?
Monster Machines: 27 Truly Massive Machines That...
- Humans have created some insanely impressive machines.
Zombie Praying Mantis Exorcises Three Huge Parasites
- WARNING: This is not CGI
Huge Botfly Removed From Guys Head
- A souvenir from Panama was growing in this guys head...
Guy Tries To Pet A HUGE Anaconda In His Kitchen
- You know that's a wild snake right?
25 Female Bodybuilders You Don't Want To F**K With
- If you start trouble with any of these ladies, you're...
Contestant Destroys The Swedish Gladiators
- He runs through every event and gladiator with ease!
Check Out The Size of This Woman's Feet
- Someone make her some damn shoes!
21 Times Tumblr Got Weird After Dark
- Tumblr really takes the cake when it comes to getting...
19 Lucky People Who Hit The Food JACKPOT
- Sometimes you win big, even when it comes to food.
24 Insanely Huge Animals
- These animals clearly had the ooze dropped on them.
Meet Hulk, The World’s Largest Pitbull
- He’s 173 lbs, and still growing!
22 People Living The Dream
- The world can be a glorious place!
10 Disturbing Medical Images from History
- Bizarre medical conditions you probably never heard of.
19 Wrestlers Before The Fame
- The amazing transformations of famous wrestlers.
27 Guys With Huge Balls
- Manly men proclaiming their alpha male status!
Surfer Shoots Pier On Huge Wave!
- Legendary surfer Laird Hamilton risks serious injury...
Huge Fish Eats 4ft Shark In One Bite
- Goliath grouper eating a black tip shark in one bite!
Computer Setups To Be Envious Of
- Awesome computer setups we all want!
Redneck Boulder Bowling
- Moving a rock off the road. Some trees were injured in...
Samsung's Pop-up Art Prank
- As people explore this giant work of art, they get a...
19 Of The World's Largest Statues
- Huget and amazing statues found around the world....
Player Leveled By Huge Rugby Hit
- Its like David Vs Goliath, only this time David gets...
Cabbie Freaks Out Passenger With Python
- Watch as passengers react to a surprise 10 foot snake...
The World's Most Powerful Diesel Engine
- 3 Storeys tall and 2300 tonnes, this thing is a...
Just A Simple Wave And A Smile
- Students have a nice surprise for the woman who...
The 70 Year Old Bodybuilder
- A bit of inspiration from a 70 year old bodybuilder...
Just A Game Of Cat And Mouse
- Only its not the cat who's in control this time!
Huge Waves Taking Out Surfers
- Some of the huge wipeouts from the waves of Teahupoo...
Great Wolf Lodge's Ice Avalanche
- Hundreds of sheets of ice come sliding off the roof in...
eBaum's Picks