Impatient Jerk Throws Starbucks at Beautiful Wild Elk
- Hey, dick, that’s mother nature you’re looking at!
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Hotel Receptionist Holds Her Own Against Con-Man Karen
- The customer is definitely not always right.
28 Entitled Jerks Making Things Worse For the Rest of...
- We're surrounded by entitled a****les.
15 Signs Someone’s Not Actually a Nice Person
- Watch out if someone does these
25 Poorly Designed Products and Services All About...
- Here are a few pictures of designs and technologies...
30 Stinky Supervisors and Bad Bosses Who Can Take This...
- They got shamed online.
26 Girls Who Regretted Giving The "Nice Guy" A Chance
- If someone refers to themself as a "nice guy" you can...
25 Signs Someone Has Lost Touch With Reality
- Everybody likes to think they come across as sane and...
23 People Who Have Reserved Seating in Hell
- Some people just don't know how to behave like human...
Delivery Driver Isn’t Playing Around, Moves Car...
- This is called taking the high road. This dude got his...
38 'Nice' Girls Giving Women a Bad Name
- It's like scrolling through an entire meadow of red...
A-Hole of a Man Pushes Photographer into a Lake with...
- The photographer was shooting along the edge of the...
30 'Nice Guys' Who Are Actually Real Jerks
- They mistake being spineless and pathetic for being...
Dude Gets Petty Revenge on Coworker Complaining About...
- What kind of jerk complains about FREE pizza?
24 Entitled People Being the Absolute Worst
- Beggars who think they deserve more.
24 Entitled People Being the Absolute Worst
- Beggars who think they deserve more.
32 Customer Service Horror Stories That Plumb the...
- Contrary to popular belief, the customer ISN'T always...
26 People Being Real Jerks
- The people here all deserve massive wedgies.
Husband of the Year Award Not Going to Guy Who Got His...
- They sure don't make wives like they used to, huh?
26 Cruel Messages From Greedy Landlords
- Not all landlords are created equal. While some have...
Boxer Tyson Fury Preps For Upcoming Fight by...
- Fight prep is a serious business, but for Fury, it's...
24 Proofs that People are the Worst of all Animals
- We are all just mammals, but most of us don't behave...
Jerk Snowplow Driver Ruins Man's Hard Day of Shoveling
- As someone who recently spent a lot of time digging my...
Entitled Biker Blocking Traffic Gets His Bike Ran Over...
- Have fun riding that bike home now, jerk!
Jerk Times It Just Right and Hits a Puddle Drenching...
- Driver waits for his chance to drive through a puddle...
Scumbag Plumber Charges $230,000 For a Clogged Toilet
- Australia's most crooked plumber, preying on...
Angry Dad Confronts Employee Who Made His Daughter Cry
- A Dollar General clerk cracked a joke and embarrasses...
Frustrated Dad Drags His Daughter Across The Airport
- Listen up, kid...
Crazy Lady Tries To Pay Her Babysitter In Ice Cream
- She really lost her cool.
Permit Patty is on the Loose Asking Kids Where Their...
- She played these kids, not cool.
12 Year Old Catcher Gets Ejected for Winning
- Have sports gotten too nice?
Hilarious Exchange Between Gas Station Employee and...
- "I called to see if there were any hotdogs ready on...
Seagull Nabs Some Jerk's Go-Pro
- He put granola on it. He kind of had this coming.
Rich Ass Gets Arrested for Parking His Car Wherever He...
- The Aston Martin got towed after this sad display.
Instant Karma for Obnoxious Douche in His New Car
- This show of failed bravado is very satisfying to...
Insufferable Guests Wants No One to Have a Good Time
- This guy claims he knows his rights but violates...
5 Instant Justice Videos That Are Just Plain Satisfying
- When people acting like jerks get what's coming to...
This Louis CK Bit Is Way Less Funny After Allegations...
- This fake news scene from the show 'Louie' didn't age...
Angry Sheep Trample Woman, One Comes Back And Rams Her...
- This footage apparently from Germany shows a woman...
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