18 Things We Were Told In School That Was Total BS
- Sometimes our education can seem a little out of date.
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18 of the Wildest and Bizarre Internet Rabbit Holes to...
- Having been locked down in a pandemic, we all found...
What Did ‘THAT’ Teacher Do to Get Fired from Your...
- We all had that one teacher in school who did...
20 Historical Facts That Are Just Plain False
- So we've collected some well-known historical facts...
20 Common Facts That Are Total Nonsense
- We hear them all the time. Quips and factoids that...
'Washington Department of Natural Resources' Is the...
- It's easy to be an educational organization. It's much...
20 Random but Fascinating Facts That Blew Our Mind
- There are millions upon millions of facts on the...
20 Maps That Are Terrible but Not Wrong
- Hey, they're still useful.
22 Charts and Maps to Fill Your Brain with Knowledge
- It's a great day to learn something new, so get ready...
24 Things Guys Never Knew About Women Until Getting In...
- Some things men had never learned before having a...
25 People Who Realized Disturbing Truths
- 25 people who were forced to come to terms with the...
25 Tricks Every Man Should Know
- Why learn the hard way?
13 Cool Things People Learned Today
- Did you know any of these already?
Elementary School Kids Hyped after Teacher Says They...
- The wholesomeness is too real. It's also a super...
25 Charts With Random Knowledge
- There's a chart for everything.
20 Employees Who Gave Their Boss A Taste of Their Own...
- Everyone has had to deal with an annoying boss. But...
35 Real World Secrets That Could Help You Out in a...
- Some real world wisdom to aid in the trials and...
40 Useless Factoids to Stuff Inside Your Grey Matter
- Gotta be more interesting than what they teach in...
18 Handy Guides To Help You Through Life
- Good stuff to know.
How Gaming Has Transformed the Way Teachers Teach
- “Edutainment” video games have always been a huge...
17 Science Facts to Enjoy at Your Leisure
- Quick tidbits of knowledge to fire up that space...
25 People Share the Best Lessons Their Dads Taught Them
- Brb, gonna call my Dad and tell him how much I...
24 Subtle Signs of Someone's Intelligence
- Intelligence comes in many forms.
Random Facts People Learned From TV, Books, and Movies
- Entertainment really CAN be educational!
39 Facts to Bust Your Brain
- Hey, at least it's better than a Zoom class.
40 Fun Facts You Now Know
- Fun facts only. No boring stuff here, guys.
21 Secrets About Everyday Things Most People Don't Know
- This feature might actually inspire your lazy butt to...
15 Wiki-How Posts That Will Actually Teach You...
- Finally the internet teaches us something useful!
19 Fun Facts to Frantically Flip Through
- Feed your head hamster with these 19 trivial bits.
Good Guy Professor Became Memes to Relate to His...
- David Red is a professor at St. John’s River State...
Teacher Beats "Strong Boy" In test Of Might
- Teacher and student face off in contest to separate...
30 Strange Facts That Border On WTF
- Learn something new and weird!
33 Facts to Help You Impress People
- Cure the Monday hangover with some fun facts.
The History of America Explained by a 5yo
- If you want to learn about the history of America...
25 Neat Sites To Make You Clever
- A collection of awesome sites if you're looking into...
36 GIFs Of Science In Action
- Awesome science gifs and information that you might...
Defaced Textbooks
- When kids get bored at school...
The Science of Love
- Find out what drives love, and why we simply love...
Warning: Sciencey Stuff Ahead
- Forget the bass, drop the science!
The History Of The .Gif
- The more you know...
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