Man Tracks Down iPhone Thief, Delivers Beating
- Using an app he tracks down the thief who allegedly...
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Teens Arrested After He Posts "Driving Drunk" Facebook...
- Oregon teenage Jacob Cox explains what really...
Drunken Female Texas A&M Fans Interrupt Live Broadcast
- Reporter has some fun with these two drunken dames!
Banks Launder Billions of Dollars For Cartels
- Financial institutions admit to laundering money for...
Banks Launder Billions of Dollars For Cartels
- Financial institutions admit to laundering money for...
Cop's Selfless Reaction To Save A Drowning Woman
- A Boston police officer leaps into freezing water to...
Mobile's Christmas Tornado
- Powerful news footage of a tornado touching down in...
Officer Eric Spoerle Surprises His Kids At NFL...
- The Army chief returns home surprises his family...
Moments that Restored Our Faith in Humanity in 2012
- The news is usually full of sad news. Enjoy a healthy...
Jay-Z's Sister News Blooper
- She was looking for him on the Subway...
Mandatory Tracking Chips For Students
- Big Brother bribing schools to force students to wear...
Mans Ceiling Collapses During Interview
- The whole ceiling came down in the living room man!
Labeled "Fat Girls" On Restaurant Check
- Some restaurant checks are more painful than others...
Katt Williams Slap Victim Speaks Out
- "Target fired me."
Cat Interrupts Weather Report
- TV weatherman, Eduardo Rodriguez, keeps it together...
Penn State Coach Bill O' Brien Lets One Slip
- A bunch of what?
Reporter's Funny Sign Off
- He can't say his last name without moving his head.
Latest In Russian Aircraft Landing Technology
- Meet the Rubber Curtain.
Best News Bloopers Of 2012
- Compilation of some hilarious news bloopers.
WayBack WHENsday: Possessed Toaster
- A segment from 1984 features a family that claims to...
Woman Purchaes Fake iPad At Gas Station
- She might have noticed, if her glasses had lenses.
Reporter Has No Idea Who Will.i.am Is
- In his defense he doesn't listen to Kanye West...
Do You Realize There Is A Hurricane Going On?
- Well it's no big deal to this guy!
Hurricane Sandy Drifting
- It looked like a good idea to me!
Bird Poops on Anchor During Live World Series Coverage
- It must have been an angry Cardinal...
Man With Press Pass Trolls Fox News
- He couldn't resist flipping off the thousands of...
Breaking News: Some Bullshit Happening Somewhere
- The modern 24/7 news cycle.
LG Pranks Innocent Elevator Riders
- So real it's scary!
Teacher Gets Ass Kicked By 1st Grader
- Gym teacher and former college football player gets...
Spanish News Channel Fail
- Heads up ladies...!!!
Inmate Sucker Punches Lawyer
- After being sentenced to 15 years...
Fat News Anchor Gets Bullied
- You can call me fat - and yes, even obese on a...
Reporter Gets A Face Full Of Water
- He's all wet.
Replacement Weather Guy
- Green Bay needs some humor right now.
NASA Photoshops the Curiosity Mars Maps
- Looks like he is right....what do you think?
Marijuana and Cancer
- Interesting new study.
Reporter Scares Baby Blooper
- Dat face LOL!
Kinkajou Poops On News Anchor's Shoulder
- Surprise, you've just been shat on!
Slow News Days
- Make for funny still pictures.
Best News Bloopers of 2012
- A collection of the best local news bloopers from 2012.
eBaum's Picks