30 Creeps With No Clue How to Talk to Women
- These are just pathetic.
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Ethically Questionable: 24 Tips and Tricks That Almost...
- Some things we're not supposed to know
Vice Doc On Pick Up Artists is A Splendid Display of...
- Hide yo kids, hide yo wives, Vice tags along with a...
Investigating a Las Vegas Pickup Artist Bootcamp
- Andrew Callaghan, who you probably remember from "All...
21 Things Non-Americans Love About America
- What everyone likes about the USA.
Homeowner with Megaphone Serves Instant Karma To...
- Guy literally puts his neighbor on blast for not...
NFL Mom Won't Let Son's GF Steal the Spotlight on...
- Isaiah Wilson was selected 29th overall by the...
Pick-Up-Artist Walks Around With Camera Glasses To...
- A PUA instructor shares some super-secret and...
LockPickingLawyer Shows How To Remove A Car Boot...
- After seeing a video about an illegal boot on a car,...
Tough Guy Catches Cop Littering And Roasts Him
- A local gentleman decided to force a police officer to...
The Lock Picking Lawyer Picks Chastity Cage With a...
- Finding yourself locked up this Valentine's Day? ...
Hydraulic Cutter Explodes Trying to Cut Through a...
- I hope he was wearing safety goggles.
Woe is the Dude Who Sends Dick Pics to His Entire Class
- He got his phone repaired at a shady place and the...
41 Perfect Pics That Will Help Kickstart Your Weekend
- No rhyme or reason, just random goodness.
The Ultimate Guide To Picking Up Girls Online
- If you follow these 8 simple steps you'll be an...
What Is This? The Bus From My Dreams?
- I want to go wherever this bus is going.
39 Intoxicating Pics To Pick You Up
- Fit your fun in today!
Bizarre Pick Up Lines That Might Actualy Work On Women
- I gotta try some of these.
Citizen Forces Cop To Pick Up His Litter
- Who polices the police?
10 Pick-up Lines Of Mythological Proportions
- Woo that special someone with any of these legendary...
How To Open A Masterlock With A Zip-Tie
- Masterlock has threatened to sue over his videos,...
25 People Who Shouldn't Be Allowed To Name Children
- These kids will live with their parent's poor naming...
Don't Pick A Fight With A Ninja!
- Bully on the subway picks a fight and gets dealt with.
How To Pick A Lock
- All it takes is a bobby pin.
Homeless Guy Survives By Picking Up Women
- Surviving by panhandling and an incredible knack for...
Girl With A Boner Picks Up Guys - Prank
- These guys get hit on by a girl with a little...
17 Embarrassing Seduction Fails
- Well, at least they tried.
Father Arrested For Taking Kids From School
- A resource officer won't let a Dad pick his kids up...
Guy Picks Nose On TNT Basketball
- I guess he thinks the wink makes it cool.
The Best Pick Pocket Ever
- The "Gentleman Thief" shows off his impressive...
Redneck Aerobics
- Man holding a yoga ball vs. moving pick-up truck...
The Flip Side
- God, if only this could come true...I'd never leave...
How To Pick Up A Chick
- Learn from the master.
Snake Bite on Dutch TV
- This is a great demonstration of how not to pick up an...
Trash Eliminating Terrier
- If he can clean up after himself, I'll buy one..
Electronic PickPocketing
- That's some James Bond shit.
Door Destroys Baby
- You gave birth to him, and you broke his nose
Celebrity Nose Picks
- We may all do it but it sure is funnier when it's a...
eBaum's Picks