‘Lamb Chop's’ Viral Tweet Unlocks Childhood...
- We can indeed confirm that Lamb Chop's Play-Along was...
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Outtakes from Australian Kids' Show Are Absolutely...
- 'Agro's Cartoon Connection' aired between 1989-1997,...
Don't Peep The Costume This Man Wears For Money If You...
- A man wears a costume and asks for money in Japan....
Guy Shows Off His Awesome Homemade Bug Puppet
- He'll probably land a job at Pixar or Disney after...
Jim Carrey Creates The Jeff Daniels Puppet
- Jim creates a tribute to his buddy and co-star of...
24 Amazingly Useless Life Hacks
- Get ready to slightly impress people for a second!
Living With Jigsaw
- Having the puppet from saw as a roomie isn't as cool...
Weird And Creepy Puppet Film
- A short animation made in 1933. The stuff nightmares...
Best Puppet Dog Ever
- Pretty amazing puppetry.
Creepy Dancing marionette
- Not half bad.
Puppet Porn
- It starts weird and gets weirder! The band is called...
Meanwhile in Ireland
- A big drunk puppet man walks the city.
Shadow Puppet Presidents
- This guy should get a record deal as well.
Fat Ed's Guide To Metal
- All you need to know about fucking METAL!
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