Madonna Doesn't Know How Restaurants Work
- “Think of me as your waitress….. What songs would...
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Why Microsoft Left Several Servers on the Ocean Floor...
- One day, all our servers may live underwater.
Servers Dish About Celebrities They've Waited On
- You can tell a LOT about a person's character by...
31 Servers Who Brought Their A-Game
- Restaurant workers deal with the chaos that is all...
Donald Trump Drops The Hottest New Summer Single -...
- Donald Trump just wants to know one thing... Where is...
Servers Reveal Their Strangest Requests From Customers
- The weird requests and strange demands of customers at...
Tipping Food Servers 200 Dollars
- Nice reward for unsuspecting waitresses and waiters.
Servers Are Down! Dubstep Remix
- Francis rages about the warcraft server, Wtfbrahh...
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