6 Little-Known Facts About Japan
- Startling facts about Japan that you probably didn't...
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Things Men Would Do For Sex
- Family Feud reveals the things married men would do...
Porn Stars Give Relationship Advice
- Love advice from people who know sex.
20 Times Social Justice Went Too Far
- When social justice warriors become those weird...
Your Brain vs. Porn
- Whoever wins, we lose.
21 People Being Awkward On The Internet
- Lack of social skills leads to entertaining moments...
If Everyone Was Honest In The Bedroom
- "I'm faking it..."
Homeless Guy Survives By Picking Up Women
- Surviving by panhandling and an incredible knack for...
Mindblowing US Maps
- According to the data, the United States aren't all...
Pornhub's Most Searched Term By State
- What specific kind of perverts dominate your state?
18 People Being Weirdly Sexual Online
- These people skip the step in making a relationship...
17 Embarrassing Seduction Fails
- Well, at least they tried.
19 Ways To Not Get A Girlfriend
- Guys tested out these methods for getting women so you...
11 Insights About How Women Work
- Put on your understanding spectacles, because you're...
14 Woman-Problems
- A small and frightening glimpse into the average life...
17 Random Disturbing Facts
- A collection of things you're probably better off not...
Cybersex Instructional Video From 1997
- In this hilarious found video, a woman shows you how...
6 Sex Hacks For Better Sex
- Not that you need any of these, of course.
11 Sexist Facts Men Don't Want Women To Know
- These facts are 2 things: 1) totally sexist, and 2)...
11 Sexist Facts Women Don't Want Men To Know
- These facts are 2 things: 1) totally sexist, and 2)...
Brian Williams' Clever Sex Joke On Air
- Finally, the government is doing what they normally...
7 Reasons To Have More Sex
- Have more sex... because science told you to!
Funny, Gross, And Weird Animal Sex Facts
- The animal kingdom is FULL of perverts.
Are These Sex Fetishes Real Or Fake?
- Can you pick out the real from the fake in this list...
26 Photos That Prove You Have A Dirty Mind
- I'm trying to give up on sexual innuendos, but it's so...
15 Celebrities With STDs
- Celebrities who have contracted STDs, not all are from...
20 Awkward Sexual Shadows
- Pictures of shadows that will make you look twice!
Couple Looks Identical But Are Different Sexes
- Can you tell which one is which gender?
14 Sex Facts You Won't Believe Are True
- Corn Flakes will never be the same...
Teacher Caught Having Sex With Student
- His mugshot says it all.
The 28 Best "Actual Advice Mallards"
- Life hacks, sage wisdom, and dating tips from an...
How To Have Free Sex In Public
- Remi Gaillard, always relaxed, walks into town to met...
This Guy Really Loves His Scooter
- Thai man caught on camera erotically humping his...
- Apparently the fleshlight has its own music video...
Sex World Records
- These heroes make the world a better, sexier place.
24 Dioramas That Don't Suck
- Not bad for an artform mostly based in shoeboxes.
TV Show Host Faints On Live TV
- She wasn't feeling so great and passes out during the...
Tortoise Mating Is Hilarious
- Wait for it... The climax is hilarious.
Norm's Best Joke On Weekend Update
- A hilarious series of jokes about whether men or women...
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