Guy Trolls His Math Teacher Playing "Tequila" on a...
- Remember when we were allowed to gather in large...
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Sophie Turner Slaps The Crap out of Conan During...
- Take a shot and try to drink it as the other person...
Guy Demonstrates Why You Should Never Sing "Tequila"...
- Sure he nails it, but was there ever any question if...
$100 Tequila Drink in Tequila Mexico, The Biggest...
- Tons of orange, lime and grapefruit juice, salt ice...
17 Interesting Facts About Tequila You Won't Remember...
- Learn something new about this legendary alcohol.
Tequila Body Shots Go Horribly Wrong
- Dude does one body shot too many.
The Age-Old Battle Of Alcohol Vs. Marijuana
- The raging disagreement about how people should get...
Chuck on America's Got Talent
- Chuck From The Bronx goes the distance on AGT!
Sexiest Mechanical Bull Ride Ever
- Consequences will never be the same
Why We Drink
- This video explains life perfectly. FACR.
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