Singer Sam Smith Caught Filming Cringe TikTok Video on...
- Pop star Sam Smith was caught red-handed filming a...
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30 People Who Got Totally Ripped Off
- These folks got unlucky and scammed.
Man Puts Jump Rope inside Penis and Gets it Stuck in...
- According to a urology case report published in...
French Talk Show Invites On Guests With Unique Laughs...
- Sometimes, laughter truly is the best medicine.
This Colorado Estate Sale Has Serious Jeffrey Dahmer...
- The world of estate sales is always a crapshoot, in...
'MW2' Friendship Ends as Quickly as It Began
- Making friends as an adult can be hard. Making friends...
20 Words That the Internet Has Forever Ruined
- New words, languages, dialects, and slang are being...
Texas Woman Gored by Wild Bison Lives to Post the...
- A Texas woman was literally gored by a bison at...
Texas Woman Gored by Wild Bison Lives to Post the...
- A Texas woman was literally gored by a bison at...
Ed Sheeran Has a Thing For Gifting People Huge Dicks
- Ed Sheeran is a confirmed gift-giver.
22 People with Terrible Taste but Solid Follow-through
- These people tried to bunt, and ended up with a...
They Gave a Machete to a Plant
- Welp it's official. Plants have been weaponized.
21 Unnerving Photos Proving Open Water Is a Wild Beast
- A batch of breathtaking, and slightly terrifying...
23 DIY Gadgets The World Isn’t Ready For
- These people are living in 3022.
Nobody Asked for This: 17 Bizarre and Unique Things...
- The world is too big for these to not be things.
Unspoken Rules: 23 Questions You Just Don't Ask Someone
- Not everybody is great at social cues. Because of...
22 Odd and Unusual Tattoo Choices, Most People Don't...
- These people might have some permanent regrets.
18 Celebrities Who Demanded the Strangest Things
- Some ridiculous requests
No Thanks, I'm Good: 29 Questionable Things We Didn't...
- Do people actually get these?
New Influencer Only Airline Is Everything Wrong With...
- Willa Air, a brand new private airline has announced...
20 Pics of the ‘After Dark’ Collection from...
- Just in time for Valentine's Day, get her what she...
30 WTF Things That People Created
- Art and creativity are quite a subjective topic. What...
Guy Gets Shredded Online For His Clubbing Shirt
- He never stood a chance.
18 Things That Finally Convinced Flat Earthers They've...
- Let's get real: there is nobody quite as stupid as a...
26 Unfortunate Folks with the Best Worst Names
- Parenting has to be one of the hardest jobs out there....
15 Pet Peeves That Pushed Us over the Edge
- We all have small pet peeves, but sometimes our...
25 Tiny Pet Peeves That Annoy the Sh*t Out of Us
- If you're one of these 25 people, it's okay. Just...
22 Facepalm Worthy Photoshop Fails that Cracked Us Up
- These people should just delete their social media at...
15 Things That Didn't Need To Be Invented
- Not every idea is a great one. Not every design is...
Walgreens' New Video Screen Freezer Doors Feel...
- Meanwhile, we still can't get more than one register...
Math Teacher Under Fire For Trig Lesson Featuring Her...
- Oh boy, wait until 'Dances-with-Karens' over here...
Dude Tosses Firework into Garbage Bin, Somehow Avoids...
- Apparently to the guy in the video, this seemed like...
25 Terrible Ways People Responded to 'I Love You'
- Normally, the rules are simple: when someone says "I...
32 Drinks That Are Trying Way Too Hard
- We get it. Your restaurant is cheeky and original, and...
18 Asinine Photos That Anger Us to Our Core
- Humans do some pretty annoying things, but none more...
30 Home Designs So Bad They Could Easily Deter the Wet...
- Macaulay Culkin would be so proud. These home designs...
Jay Leno Casually Appears Out of the Nose of an...
- Video surfaced of Jay Leno appearing from the nose of...
Woman's Nacho 'Hack' Is a Crime Against Food
- Honestly, this bizarre nacho recipe might just be a...
50 Cursed Images From Around the Web
- What is going on over here?
25 Ridiculous Things People Actually Ordered at a...
- These are just so strange.
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