Woman Breaks Zoo Rules and Feeds Zebras, Quickly...
- Read the information card *before* you go on the...
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28 Funny Pictures from Zoo Escape Drills
- An animal escaping from a zoo is a rare but dangerous...
Gorilla Intently Watches Another Ape Jerk It in Front...
- The zoo really is educational.
Woman Visits Zoo Every Day to Play With an Orangutan
- You might think that the weird kinetic sand videos you...
This Zoo's Fake Pandas Aren't Fooling Anybody
- Eh, close enough!
Grandma Tries to Escape Family Zoo Trip
- Being old has its drawbacks.
Zoo Guest Drops Phone into Otter Enclosure. Otter...
- This probably isn’t covered by your warranty.
Brown Bear Eats Paddling of Baby Ducklings In Front of...
- Isn't nature beautiful?
Woman Learns Hard Lesson After Trying to Pet Panda
- In a now-viral clip shared to r/PublicFreakout, a nosy...
'What’s The Zookeeper Going to Do?': Gorilla Brawl...
- Visitors to Texas’ Houston Zoo recently got an...
Orangutan Grabs Handful of Honkers at Thailand Zoo
- This Orangutan skipped so many steps, but you know...
Giant Siberian Tiger Establishes Dominance Without...
- All this big ol' boy needs to establish his absolute...
Possible Chupacabra Spotted In Amarillo, Texas
- A strange and mysterious human-like creature was...
Orangutan Hands Idiot His Own Ass
- A guy visiting the zoo got a little too close for...
Elephant Saves the Day by Alerting Zoo Keeper to...
- A drowning antelope was saved by zoo staff after an...
Cheetah Takes On Sparky the Robot Dog at the Sydney Zoo
- Watch a pair of Cheetah's with Sparky the Robodog at...
Bronx Zoo Continues Tradition of Naming Cockroaches...
- There has been a long-running tradition around the...
‘Joe vs. Carole’ Series Trailer Drops, Long Live...
- The new Tiger King-inspired series will premiere on...
Raccoon Gets Handsy With Attractive Visitor
- He's lucky he's cute.
Harambe Jerseys to Honor the Sweet Prince, Subtle...
- They say time heals all wounds. I don't know if that's...
Man Sneaks Into Elephant Enclosure With Toddler,...
- This contender for "Worst Dad" just wanted a selfie,...
Tiger Gets Rudely Waken Up by His Roommate and Clearly...
- Yo! I'm trying to sleep over here. This pesky tiger...
A German Zoo Said It May Feed Some Animals To Others
- Slaughter animals to feed other animals?
Panda Shows The World His Stoke Game is Strong
- Lets this be a lesson to all you guys out there, never...
The Honey Badger's Extreme Intelligence Make Them...
- Stoffle would give Alcatraz a run for it's money. He...
Woman Climbs Into Lion Exhibit at Bronx Zoo Proving...
- Shocking video posted to Instagram over the weekend...
Funny Entries From The 2019 Comedy Wildlife...
- Check out these funny photographs submitted in the 5th...
Rhino's Strength On Full Display As It a Flips Car...
- It's unknown what caused this rhino at a safari park...
Sketchy Crimean Zoo Brings Tourists Too Close to Lions
- Visiting this animal habitat in Crimea seems like a...
We've Never Wanted A Lion To Eat Someone More Than...
- Kyle Dillingham may be a renowned violinist, but to...
Two Friends Go to the Zoo on Acid and Make a Video...
- These two guys document their trip to the Miami Metro...
Polar Bear Has no Time for Fearless Duck and Eats It
- WARNING: *May be disturbing for some viewers.* ...
Hungry Monkey Gives Unexpected Food Chain Lesson To...
- Warning *Graphic* A group of tourists got an...
Hungry Monkey Gives Unexpected Food Chain Lesson To...
- Warning *Graphic* A group of tourists got an...
How Strangers Helped Rescue Woman Attacked by Jaguar...
- They were interviewed by Inside Edition about the...
Woman Mauled After Trying to Take a Selfie with a...
- Woman climbs barrier of jaguar exhibit to get a better...
Girl Learns That You Can't Win Tug of War Against an...
- This girl at an elephant orphanage in Sri Lanka had...
Chimpanzee Tells Twerking Thot To Get Lost
- Girl decides to put on a show for a chimp at the zoo,...
Absolute Idiot Spanks a Hippo for a Laugh
- Why would you do this? Police have opened a criminal...
Adorable Chimp Reunited With His Foster Parents
- "Limbani" was left to die by his mother due to being...
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