
Big City Karen Takes on Suburban Karen Who Can’t Drive in the City

"One rule in NYC. KEEP IT MOVING."

That's what llbit1234 commented on this TikTok of a suburban Long Island Karen facing off against a New York City Karen, all because she couldn't drive her massive Jeep Wagoneer in between a double-parked truck and the parked cars lining the street (She had plenty of room). 

The suburban Karen begins by harassing the truck workers trying to help her through the gap, adamant that she doesn't have enough space. 

"I'm being harassed, and I'm going to call the police," she tells the worker after he begs her to "just drive straight." 

But while arguing, she's breaking the one rule of New York, and the city Karen gets out of her cab to help get the Jeep moving.

"I'll get your license plate. I'll get you arrested. MOVE YOUR FUCKING CAR!" she screams. "You're holding up the world!"

Spurred on by this motivation, the Long Island Karen drives her jeep through the gap, screaming like Will Ferrell warming up in Anchor Man the entire time. 

If there's one thing that brings New Yorkers together, it's an outsider breaking the one rule. 

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