Bumbling Idiot Attackers Get Owned by "Victim" Who...
- A robbery victim fought back, possibly shooting one of...
Media videos
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"Oh Nice" Flame Sledding Psychopaths Set House on Fire
- When you start thinking a little too far outside the...
Husband Finds Wife Cheating on Father's Day
- He caught his wife cheating on him -- on Father's Day...
Hockey Player Caught Blatantly Cheating On GF in Public
- Connor McDavid has got some explaining to do.
Paraglider Lands on the Wrong Roof, Jumps off to Evade...
- Security told him to get down, so he did.
Cringe Video With Vin Diesel Shows "Fast X" Director...
- The director has since quit the project
Scammer Panics After 'Victim' Uses His Information to...
- A guy who received the classic refund scam call...
Impatient Driver Gets Immediate Comeuppance
- In a startling clip posted to Twitter, a car accident...
Man Gets the Perfect Petty Revenge On Shovel Stealing...
- On a cold snowy morning, this man's neighbor needed to...
Fast Food Workers Fed Up, Throwing Hands to Make Ends...
- The federal minimum wage has been stuck at $7.25 since...
Dane Cook Video Surfaces Where Comedian Coins Term...
- In a sketch from 2007 titled 'The Friend That Nobody...
Uber Driver Handles Armed Robber Like a Grade-A Boss...
- An Uber driver was picking up a passenger when a man...
Bike Thief Tries to Outrun an Electric Scooter and...
- This guy spotted someone riding a bike that was stolen...
Fan Gets Ejected after Trying to Arm Tackle a Player...
- Theres always that one person who ruins it for...
Impatient Driver Tries to Pass Jeep and Flips His Car
- Florida man gets a little too impatient when trying to...
Store Owner Sets a Trap to Catch a Thief Who's Been...
- A store owner who was tired of his place being...
Cars Block Traffic, Get WTF Car Washed by Cement Truck
- Looks like some idiot decided to cut another car off...
Watch This Robber Knock Himself Out Trying to Break...
- When they say, "knock yourself out" you're not...
Bike Thief is Served Some Instant Karma by Original...
- This thief got a double-dollop of justice when the guy...
Thief on the Run Gets Taken Out By a Customer's...
- A quick-thinking man lends a hand and flips a chair...
The Time a Father Beat a Child Molester Senseless...
- A father came home and found his son being molested by...
Pigeon Introduces Idiot's Face to Puke Puddle
- Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.
Instant Karma For Budapest Driver Break Checking A Bus...
- The collision did $45K (usd) in damages to the Bentley...
Florida Man Learns That 'I Eat Ass' Sticker Is Not...
- This arrest feels unjust.
Guy Knows Answer to $1 Million Question but Walks...
- This still keeps him up at night.
Abuser Tries to Illegally Coerce Victim in Virtual...
- The audacity to try to pull this off.
Surgeon Thinks He's Too Important for Traffic Court,...
- The judge was not amused.
Package Thief Almost Met His Maker When Homeowner...
- This dude's ride left him to deal with an angry...
Woman Gets Served Ocean Justice for Being Too Dumb
- The water straight up said 'No.'
Idiot in a Camaro Doesn't Look Before Changing Lanes...
- This could have ended so much worse, especially with...
Mom Tries to Beat the Gayness Out of Son for Playing...
- She walked in at the absolute worst moment possible.
Man Shows Correct Way to Respond to Your Girlfriend's...
- He's a real charmer.
Motorist Attacked by Road Raging Idiot, Runs Him Over...
- A man with a bat attacked a motorist after a road rage...
Watch Twitch Streamer's Heart Break as Strangers Laugh...
- Someone had to tell him the truth.
Pathetic Cheater's Aimbot Hack Malfunctions and He...
- He's such a poor shot he can't even aim at a person...
Terrified Hiker Tries Swearing at Mountain Lion to...
- This must have been scary as hell, but his voiceover...
Thief Gets Owned as Guy "Steals" His Friend's Unicycle...
- A thief gest played in a sweet instance of instant...
Vigilante Gamer Flips the Script on Cheaters with...
- Cheating is finally funny again.
Woman Tries to Hide Her Fart but It Activates a Store...
- This one's a real squeaker.
17 Year-Old Twitch Streamer Gets Robbed in the Bronx
- "Call of Duty" doesn't actually make you equipped to...
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