Man Doing Laundry Narrowly Avoids Washing Machine Explosion
Check your pockets before putting your stuff in the dryer, guys!
*Technically* doing your laundry is supposed to be a relatively organized process. You separate light colors from dark colors, turn the clothes the right way around, then go through all the pockets to make sure that you’re not putting anything important through the wash.
In reality, most of us rarely do that. True degenerates just shove as much in as the washing machine can hold, color and pocket contents be damned.
While this usually just gives us shirts that aren’t quite as white as they once were, it can occasionally cause bigger problems, like when this dude left a lighter in his pocket and then put it into the dryer.
#WATCH: As a person accidentally put cigarette lighter in a dryer causing a huge explosion
— R A W S A L E R T S (@rawsalerts) April 7, 2023
#LaCoruna | #Spain⁰
Video footage shows an individual accidentally placing at first reported a power bank chaser but later confirmed it was a cigarette later in a clothes dryer,…