
People Are Annoyed That The Inauguration is Happening Inside

Apparently it’s too cold in D.C.

Recently, it was announced that the inauguration would be happening inside this year, as Washington, D.C. is expected to have freezing winds and snow over the weekend. This all makes sense, and it’s one of the reasons why having an outdoor inauguration in goddamn January is and has always been stupid.

However, “sense” has never stopped people from losing their minds a little bit. Some internet users are crying conspiracy, saying that the inauguration was moved inside either because the crowd size would be embarrassingly small or for some other completely inscrutable reason. Guys, it’s just too cold! This really isn’t that difficult to understand!

As this was a last-minute call, people are already in D.C. to watch the inauguration—and they’re not thrilled that it’s going to be happening inside. These are the people who braved the cold to wait in line and pick up their tickets, only to be told that they’re basically worthless. While they appear to still be in good spirits, you can tell they’re a bit bothered—especially because no refunds are being offered on expenses.

Anyway, here are some of their reactions.


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