3D Spinning Art Display
- These moving pieces create a silhouette of a turning...
Media videos
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Melon Explosion In Super Slow Motion
- If the military made melon grenades, it would probably...
Arnold Schwarzenegger Goes Undercover
- Arnold goes undercover at Gold's Gym to promote health...
Yeah-Yeah From Sandlot Is A Huge Douche
- Well, that interview escalated quickly...
Is This Australian Policeman Stoned?
- A driver films what seems like a police officer who is...
Raw Skateboard Trick Footage
- Brandon Westgate showing his passion and creativity...
Fire Fighting Planes Refill
- Two planes swoop in to refill at the Santa Fe Dam.
Don't Mess With Nature!
- A woman underestimates the force of rushing water and...
Creepy Video Portraits
- I'm not really sure what I just saw, but I'm fairly...
Things You Do On A First Date, But Shouldn't
- Take a deep breath, relax, it's going to be OK!
Girl Horrified Of Needles
- A 14-year-old girl having some blood drawn for a blood...
Stoner Interviewed By Local News Crew
- Like killing people is like heavy man...
Man With HIV Intentionally Infected Others
- More than 30 people may have gotten HIV from a former...
600 Round Capacity Glock Magazine
- This "versatile" assault magazine can handle any...
A Truly Amazing Physics Teacher
- The heartwarming story of Mr. Wright, an extraordinary...
Backhoe Recovery Goes Wrong
- They try to lift a backhoe right side up, but it...
Talented Skateboarding Super Cat
- Here is the world's best skateboarding cat!
10 Year Old Boy Calls In The Marines
- Now this is proper use of military force!
If The NFL Had British Commentators
- How does football match up with humorous British...
Crotch-Cam Proves Women Are Pervs Too
- This confirms the female homo-sapien is just as much a...
Last Months Of A Woman's Life Via Twitter
- Tweets from a young woman diagnosed with brain...
Things You Didn't Know About Legalizing Pot
- Do you want to legalize it, or keep it illegal?
Possibly The Funniest 911 Call Ever
- A hilarious conversation between a crazy old man, and...
Most Wasted Dude Ever?
- There seems to be a problem in the Matrix...
Russian Teacher Cuts High School Student
- A live demonstration on how realistic movie cut wounds...
Home Depot Employee Catches Falling Baby
- An employee makes a heroic catch of a baby falling...
Little League
- Your dad might've been half-way drunk, but he was...
Inconceivable Pool Trick Shots
- Pool trick shots that seem to defy the laws of physics...
McDonald's Secret Menu Items
- Next time you're at a McDonald's give one of these a...
Virgin Spaceship: Raw Footage 2014
- Virgin Galactic's SS2 will bring passengers on...
Price Is Right Contestant Breaks Her Ankle
- She stayed to play the showcase and then went to the...
Westboro Baptist Humiliated Yet Again
- Brick Stone ambushes the Westboro Baptist Church...
Guy Figures Out Why He's Always Late
- Can't blame the dog, he just wants to sleep in!
Huge Waves Taking Out Surfers
- Some of the huge wipeouts from the waves of Teahupoo...
Easter Washbasin - Dorm Room Entertainment
- I have to hand it to these guys, that's a pretty good...
POV Footage Of Hawaiian Plane Crash
- A passenger was recording video as the Dec. 11 crash...
Robert Downey Jr. Sings At Stings Birthday
- Apparently he's got all kinds of talents!
Clever Dog Raids Oven For Chicken Nuggets
- A hungry dog overcomes several obstacles to get a...
Baby Meets Her Father's Twin Brother
- The confused look on her face is priceless.
The Most Important Rapper In Major Cities
- Not necessarily the best, just the most important.
eBaum's Picks