‘Respect Your Elders’: Wannabe Fighter Gets Destroyed by MMA Coach

There's 'f*ck around and find out', then there's 'f*ck around, try to bail, oops too late, find out.' This video exemplifies the latter.

According to the caption, this 'Internet Karate Kid' was trying to teach an MMA coach a few pointers. After hearing him out the coach wanted to engage in a light sparring session with the man, even offering to take it easy. Karate kid was having none of it. Apparently, he felt slighted like the coach had disrespected him in some way.

After many attempts to talk things out, the MMA coach was done with this kid's bullshit. That's when things go off the rails. Honestly, I could have watched 3 more hours of this dude being thrown around like a rag doll.