Woman Gets Pissed at a Street Performer Because She...
- Karens truly come in all ages and varieties, not only...
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Word-For-Word Re-Enactment of an Absurd Legal...
- This is so absurd, it's hard to believe that it's all...
Friends But Instead Of A Laugh Track It Just Zooms In...
- This is what the internet was made for.
Epic Mac and Cheese ASMR Will Make You Rethink Life
- *Sound on* This man from Holland, Michigan makes an...
Guy Recreates Eminem Songs With M&Ms
- Davie504 has more of these absurd correlationDavie504...
Delusional Teen Claims She Is Pregnant With Baby Jesus
- This girl may have just claimed the throne as the most...
Hacker Streams Some Japanese Porn On A Gigantic...
- The billboard in Indonesia was hacked by 24-year-old...
Unnecessary Censorship Has Obama Swearing Like A Sailor
- A hilarious clip from Jimmy Kimmel's Unnecessary...
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