How Ahmed The 'Clock Boy' Conned America
- The entire thing was bullshit, intentional, and blown...
Media videos
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Three Random Guys Sing Together
- Three grown men sing together in a very human moment.
Have You Ever Seen a Champion MMA Fighter With a Beer...
- Not bad for a 39 year old guy that weighs in over...
Guy's Epic Rant To All The "Cop Haters"
- I think it needs a few more F-bombs. (NSFW Language)
US & Korea Live Fire Military Exercise
- I'm kind of digging the soundtrack for WW3.
F35 Fires 181 Rounds In Seconds
- That's a LOT of bullets.
People Will Believe Just About Anything
- This fake reporter isn't afraid to ask the tough...
19 Year Old Girl Can't Prove Her American Citizenship
- She can't prove her citizenship, even though she was...
Shopping While Black in Alabama
- Racist store owner follows a black guy around his...
U.S. Navy Destroys A Drone With Lasers
- First successful, live-fire tests from the Navy's new...
Attempted Robbery At Gunpoint
- It happens during a bike tour of rough neighborhood in...
11 U.S. Products Banned In Other Countries
- Grow a mullet, go directly to jail.
Two Veterans Accuse Checkers Of Disrespecting U.S. ...
- They spot the flag flying upside down and by one...
Accomplice To Murder - Social Experiment
- Would you assist someone in murder for $40. Some of...
The 4th Of July Music Video We All Needed
- One man suggested his wife make a 4th of July music...
"Smoothini" The Ghetto Houdini Wows Judges
- The bar magician pulls of some impressive tricks on...
Burning My Last Bridge With Obama
- This young woman explains why she's no longer an Obama...
How Much Does Your State Drink?
- How much does the average person in each state drink...
The Most Corrupt Town In America
- "They make Boss Hogg look like a Sunday school...
Liz Wahl of RT America Quits on Air
- Liz Wahl abruptly resigned from her job while filming...
Bank Of America Does NOT Accept U.S. DOLLARS?
- Manager refused to take the cash saying it was against...
50 Weirdest Things In All 50 States
- Do you know what weirdness lurks in your own back yard?
Obama Secretly Plans To Sell Your Rights
- TPP would allow private corporations to control the US...
The Most Haunted Places In America
- Warning: You will get creeped out.
A 200 MPH Remote Controlled Car
- A tethered gasoline powered RC car reaches speeds in...
Help Kickstart World War 3
- Obama and the government need your help, sign up now!
RIO - A Beautiful Timelapse
- Amazing timelapse photography of the bustling...
Bald Eagle Crashes Into Chapel Window
- Bird his the window as the crowd chants USA! USA!
Middle East Faces Obesity Problem
- Recent U.S. fast food expansion to the Middle East is...
Midtown - A New York City Timelapse
- A look at the fast paced hustle and bustle of New York...
A Soldier's Early Homecoming Surprise
- Captain Bronson returns home early and sneaks up on...
Bald Eagle Gets A Fish Treat
- The majestic bird flies in up close and personal for a...
More To The Story: The Snowden Case
- Is all the hype and controversy just another...
A Tribute To America
- A hardcore tribute to America on this Independence Day.
Look At All That Freedom
- A group of large 'Merican Bald Eagles flock around an...
Urban Wingsuit Flying In Rio
- Some insane dudes fly through a building over Brazil!
George Washington
- Celebrate President's Day with the original G Dub -...
Ben Swann Destroys Piers Morgan's Anti-Gun Argument
- The facts don't lie...
NCAA Coach Pat Kelsey Calls For Change Following...
- A passionate plea for change following the Connecticut...
Truck Driver Stands Up To Border Patrol
- This trucker won't be harassed by an attempted illegal...
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