Red Band Trailer For New 'Mortal Kombat' Reboot
- As a 90's kid who grew up on the franchise, I'm...
Media videos
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25 Years Later, Adam Sandler Can Still Do the 'Happy...
- He's still got it.
Dude Shows off His Big Rig in the Ultimate Trucker Flex
- This trucker gives a tour of his tricked out Semi...
Insanely Massive Crash at the End of the 2021 Daytona...
- A fiery crash during the final lap of the Daytona 500...
The Anatomy of a Headshot
- Everything you could possibly want to know about...
Guy Uses Hood for Sled and It Works Better Than...
- Everything serves more than one purpose if you believe...
Mom Takes Out Peeping Tom with Perfect Tackle
- Anyone out there trying to get tackled by this lady?
Will Ferrell Hasn't Forgotten about eBaum's World
- Thanks, Big Willy!
Tesla Explosion May Put Elon in the Hot Seat
- New "burn me alive" feature works great!
YouTuber's 'One Punch Gun' Breaks Rocks, Cuts Trees
- I love the internet.
Man with World's Deepest Voice Shows How Low He Can Go
- This man is the new "Deep Throat."
Flaming Head Drinking Game Ends in Near Disaster for...
- If you're bald, is this more or less dangerous?
Epic 'Stairway to Heaven' Duet With a Parrot on Vocals
- That's one impressive parrot you've got there sir.
Man Invents a Way to 'Speed Run' on Tinder and It's...
- Done like a true champ.
Uncle's Awkward Dating Profile for His Nephew Is...
- Family comes first, always.
Confused Dog Owner Finds Pooch on the Roof
- The dog just wanted to help.
Dad Gets Way Too Comfortable on VR Date
- Step aside, son. I'll show you how it's done.
What Happens When a Person Gets Shot in the Head
- The secondary effects are almost more deadly than the...
Mom Looking For Help in Walmart Becomes Customer...
- "I know how it feels being on the other end of the...
Monkey Takes First Step to Becoming Human
- The pizza guy never saw it coming.
Destroying a PC with Liquid Nitrogen to Play 'DOOM...
- Rip and tear your machine to pieces.
New 'Super Mario 3D World' Trailer Is Straight Fire
- This co-op game comes to the Nintendo Switch on...
People Are Struggling to Remove Trump from 'Home Alone...
- But how will Kevin find the bathroom?
Tesla Coils Play Seven Nation Army, Game of Thrones...
- When you fucking hate your neighbors and don't have...
Capitol Attack Is the Newest Level in 'Call of Duty:...
- Seems about right.
'GTA 5' Modders Add New Characters in for Comedic...
- The best use of video game mods probably ever.
350 Million Year Old Water Trapped Inside a Amethyst...
- Ah yes, the forbidden juice box.
Gamer Douche Is the Coolest Guy He Knows
- State of the art content, nonstop, 24/7.
Never before Seen 'Nintendo Work Boy' Is a Blast of...
- Remember when the only game your phone had was the...
Awesome Car Surprises Bystanders By Transforming in...
- Damn, where do I get one of these?! Now for the real...
Behind the Scenes Footage from 'Star Wars: The Empire...
- Mark Hamill debuts the Tauntaun dance.
Twitch Streamers Distinguish between Pornstars and...
- Does this mean porn is coming to the next Olympics?
Quadruple Amputee Gamer Never Let Anything Stop Him
- "When you mess with the best, you get smacked by the...
Why the End of Your Tape Measure Needs to Wiggle
- Now you know why the end of tape measures need to...
Hurdy-Gurdy Versions of System of a Down Riffs...
- I did not expect this to sound as good as it did.
Sweaty Gamer Is Confident 'Cyberpunk 2077' Will Be the...
- Ahh, the power of wishful thinking.
How 'Cyberpunk 2077' Actually Looks to Play
- Just give us the game already!
Guy Forges an Old Rusted Spring into an Awesome...
- Watch as a Ballisong Knife is made out of a rusted...
New Gundam Gunna Make You Say 'Gun Damn!'
- This robot thicc.
YouTuber Spins Apple Fast Enough to Explode, Captures...
- It was spinning so fast that it actually still looked...
eBaum's Picks