Watch a Dolphin Spin Around Just for the Hell of It
- Look at it go!
Media videos
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Saturation Divers Exploded and Died - The Story of...
- The 4 divers who were inside the decompression chamber...
A Mid Air Collision Between and Orca and a Dolphin
- Spectators watch in awe as they witness an Orca and a...
Robot Dolphins Could Change Aquariums Forever
- These may be the best way to keep marine parks in...
Dude Explains the "USA" Logo is a Dolphin and a Man...
- Next time you watch Mr. Robot, realize that there's a...
Heartbreaking Drone Footage Shows Lone Bottlenose...
- A dolphin named Honey was left to die at the Inubosaki...
Dolphin Gets Mauled by Two Progressively Bigger Sharks
- South Australia is full of sea life and they all...
Lame Paddle Boarder Gets Rekt by Chill Dolphin
- Dolphin pod has right-of-way!
Airborne Dolphin Crashes Into Surfer
- Jed Gradisen was involved in a freak collision with a...
Dolphin Saves A Phone From The Deep
- Come on, he clearly did it because she was a babe.
Girl Demonstrates How To Dolphin
- This girl will blow your mind.
Dolphin Recovers Girl's Dropped Phone
- A helpful dolphin saves the day...almost.
Tangled Dolphin Asks Diver For Help
- Dolphin with a fishing hook and line tangled, seeks...
Dolphin Masturbates With Dead Fish (NSFW)
- Taking your kids to the aquarium may teach them some...
Tara Reid Tries To Not Sound Stupid On TV
- Watch her try and discuss whales, sharks, and animal...
Girl Entertains Dolphin With Gymnastics
- A girl discovers a dolphin's fascination with...
Amazing Dolphins Show Off
- Dolphins giving a beautiful performance.
Dolphin Stampede
- A dolphin stampede was caught on video off the coast...
Cat and Dolphins Playing Together
- kitty that is a mammal, not a fish, you can't eat that
Guy Swims Like a Dolphin and Blows Away the Competition
- Crazy! The guy is a fish!
Labrador Plays with Dolphin
- A Labrador swims with a dolphin off the coast of...
Dolphin Escapes SeaWorld
- what's for dinner?
Flipper is Fun
- Take that you little twerp!
Dolphin Stampede!!
- It's a herd of Dolphins.
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