Partiers Try to Shoot Fireworks Off Their Balcony,...
- Point the tip *away* from you.
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Man Turns Himself Into Firework Disco Ball, Shoots...
- With friends like these…
Kid Throws Firework Into Manhole, Blows Up Entire...
- It’s either a strong firework or a weak parking lot.
Fireworks Send Elephant Barreling into Festival Crowd
- News flash: don’t set off fireworks near the massive...
Pilot Shows What City’s New Year’s Eve Celebration...
- It’s a lot of fireworks.
Cop Takes Dude’s Firework, Makes Situation Worse,...
- In fairness, I don’t know what I’d do in this...
Balloons Ignited by Fireworks Cause Massive Fire
- Turns out that balloons and fireworks really don’t...
Man Gets Hunted By His Own Firework
- Stop holding onto fireworks!
Kid Puts Firework Down Manhole, Gets Sent to the Skies
- Yet another sign to not do this.
Kid Drops Firework Down Drain, Blows Up the Whole...
- He learned an important, smelly lesson.
Assholes Light Off Fireworks in a Subway
- I know their sandwiches suck, but isn’t this a bit...
Dude Gets in Fireworks War With Excavator Trying to...
- Shoutout to this guy for fighting the good fight!
Man Makes Fireworks Out of Smashing Molten Metal
- If you like fireworks but think they’re not...
Explosion at Fireworks Plant Just Keeps Going and...
- There are few worse places for a fire to break out...
Dude Turns Motorcycle into Fireworks Launcher
- Despite my concerns, I have to admit: It looks goddamn...
Locals Declare War on Cops With Fireworks in...
- youths in Minneapolis brazenly launch fireworks at a...
Car Crashes Into Fireworks Store and the Expected...
- A red SUV has crashed into a fireworks store in West...
BOOM: Incredible Footage Of the World's Largest...
- This footage is of a 62 inch firework launched over...
Dude KO's a Bulldozer Coming to Demolish His Home With...
- A man in China fended off a scheduled demolition of...
Dude Tosses Firework into Garbage Bin, Somehow Avoids...
- Apparently to the guy in the video, this seemed like...
Entire Factory of Fireworks Explodes in India
- What happens when fireworks literally catch fire? Well...
July 4th Is Almost Here! Watch 'The Sandlot' Night...
- I won't sugarcoat it, 'The Sandlot' should've won the...
Fireworks Balloon Erupts Way Too Soon
- That escalated... instantaneously.
Man Dual-Wields Firework Blasters to Badass...
- How can one, single idea contain so much awesomeness?
California Man's Firework Stash Goes Up In Flames
- A stockpile of Fireworks goes off with a bang as...
Cyclist With Small Stockpile of Fireworks Takes Out...
- Little did they know he had a full arsenal of...
Guy Accidently Sets His Car on Fire during World...
- This dude was doing donuts in an intersection after...
Crowd Goes Nuts When Plane Shoots Lasers and Fireworks...
- Nothing got the crowd going more than the Friday night...
Man Uses a Drone Armed With Fireworks to Break Up a...
- This guy is a hero. What a badass!
Man Humiliated After He Pulls A Toy Gun on July 4th...
- This angry father interrupted a 4th of July firework...
Family of 4 Left Critically Injured after Fireworks...
- Two young children are in critical condition after...
Young Child Drops Sparkler down a Manhole and Narrowly...
- A large explosion caught on camera nearly took the...
Dudes Light an Explosion That's Impressive Even in the...
- Gav and Dan have the biggest and most colourful finale...
Dude Fires 1,000 Rockets at 1,000 More Rockets
- It's time for some fireworks.
This Firework Shooting Bicycle Is The Stuff of Legends
- This badass bicycle can shoot off 350 fireworks in 35...
When You Use Outdoor Fireworks For A School Play
- Things get a little bit hectic when the fireworks go...
Guy Drove Around Detroit's East Side on New Year's Eve...
- Sounds like some of these folks aren't starting the...
Massive Fireworks Show Goes off After Storage Unit...
- Two men were working on removing a gas tank from a...
1500 Drones Wow Spectators, 'Similar to Fireworks, But...
- A single pilot mans the entire fleet of light-emitting...
Maniac Points Her Roman Candle at Innocent Bystanders
- Police are searching for her.
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