Drunk Guy Gets Run Over By Train, But Somehow Walks...
- You know what would help with that pain? Another drink!
Media videos
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Dude Hits Perfect Pump at Gas Pump Challenge
- Big respect to our man Tom.
Tornado Hits News Station As They’re Reporting on It
- Coming to you live from the heart of the action!
Two Guys Pull Woman Off Train Tracks Right As Train...
- Well, that was close.
Watch a Monk Try to Play Super Mario Without Killing...
- Let’s get this guy to play GTA, huh?
‘Thank God It Didn’t Smash My Big TV’: Woman Has...
- She’s in good spirits about the whole thing.
Nunchuck Master Juggles Ping Pong Balls Like...
- He’s really going for it!
Here’s What Happens When You Grab a Cable With...
- I dare say that it’s pretty… shocking.
Here Are the Crazy Ways Airlines Prepare for Hostage...
- How do I get this acting gig?
Cops Are Now Doing TikTok Reviews of Their Favorite...
- Everybody wants to be an influencer these days.
Elephant Attacks and Flips Excavator
- Man vs. nature made manifest.
This Is What It’s Like to Live in the World’s...
- This one building was home to around 20,000 people.
Man Getting His Jewelry Store Robbed Reacts Like...
- I get you’re freaked out, but *that’s* how...
Woman with U-Cup Boobs Explains How She Sleeps
- In case you were wondering.
China Rang in Its New Year With a Team of Dancing...
- Where the hell are *our* dancing robots?
Drunk Man Successfully Rips Tree Out of the Ground,...
- I think even *he* didn’t expect to be able to do...
Boss in Hot Water for Telling Employees They Can Bang...
- I mean, he’s right!
Dude Using Luggage as Roller Skates Lands...
- And the crowd goes wild!
Man Tries to Steal Electric Meter, Causes Explosion
- What did you *think* was going to happen?
Man Crashes Car Into Lake, Tries to Use Bowl to Get...
- Spoiler alert: it didn’t work.
Moving Walkway Accident Leads to Pileup of Mascots
- It really didn’t help the holiday festivities.
People Are Now Spray Painting Italy’s Pickpockets
- Want to avoid being pickpocketed? Look out for the...
This 1991 ‘Nintendo Therapy Session’ Shows Early...
- They were even complaining about a lack of backwards...
The State of Illinois Shares the Best Rejected License...
- You can’t have your license plate read “GYATT”...
Here’s What It’s Like to Skydive Through a Cloud
- It’s like getting a really cold, quick shower.
Watch the Japanese Demolish a Building from the Bottom...
- Have they not heard of “just blowing the thing up”?
Pilot Shows What City’s New Year’s Eve Celebration...
- It’s a lot of fireworks.
Here’s How a Bowling Alley Stacks Pins
- In case you were wondering what goes on back there.
Teenager Shows Off His School-Turned-House
- Nothing like bringing a girl back to your high school...
Man Makes Heroic Escape from Soccer Stadium Security...
- So those team scarves actually have a use!
Dog Just Chillin’ on Couch Makes Arch of Piss Onto...
- Looks like the edibles kicked in.
This Is How You Do a Plane Belly Landing
- Doing it is hard and it sucks, but it can save lives.
Onlookers Stop Attempted Kidnapping in Real Time
- And it wasn’t even the first time!
Watch a Bunch of Kids from the 1960s Predict What the...
- Sorry to say, but the reality is much lamer.
Dude Solves Three Rubik’s Cubes While Juggling Them
- So, how’s the job search going?
This Nuclear Explosion Test Footage Is Incredible
- It’s both beautiful and terrifying.
Smuggler Caught Pretending to Be a Bush
- I mean, I wouldn’t have suspected a thing.
Retirement Home 'Reindeer Hunt' Has Elderly People...
- Happy holidays!
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