Guy Stumbles Upon Catalytic Converter Thieves in...
- He was just driving through the neighborhood and...
Media videos
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This Boston Neighborhood Flooded Before Freezing Over
- That looks like a damn ice rink, wtf!
Trucker Loses His Chill While Reviewing Freightliner...
- He knows when he's been had.
College Student Claims TSA Agent Touched Her Private...
- Is this just a necessity in today's world, or did this...
Awesome Organ Donor PSA About The World's Biggest...
- Coleman Sweeney is an asshole, but . . .
Craftsman Creates Awesome Texas State Flag On Auto Part
- This dude has mastered his craft!
Turning A Spring Leaf Shock Into A Knife
- Guy takes the shock of an old Jeep and turns it into...
Drag Race Car Explodes
- This funny car goes up in a huge fireball as parts fly...
Intricate LEGO Loom Machine
- And you were always impressed with those crappy "cars"...
Lego Ball Clock
- A custom designed working clock built entirely using...
Unhealthy Workplace
- What happens when the HR Department is an HR issue?
10 Useless Human Body Parts
- Everyone's got a third eyelid, unfortunately it...
Meanwhile In Detroit...
- A man is accused of dumping tree parts on a Detroit...
eBaum's Picks