Tape to Face Prank
- Keeps getting caught with the same prank...
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Train Horn Pranks
- you all got got.
Two and a Half Men Series Finale Leaked
- This looks shopped, I can tell by the pixels.
Flying Nutshot
- At least he won't be able to spread his genes.
Village Idiot Drops Tires on his Head
- Looks to be about 20 feet up. Please let the next...
Swap Shop Prank Call
- Howard Stern Pranks
Intercepting Pizza-Hut Calls
- These people intercept incoming calls to pizza hut and...
Hilarious Halloween Prank
- Two guys scare the hell out of a girl by "tossing a...
Ultimate Prank Gone Bad
- Did she died?
Ozzy Pranks Wax Museum Patrons
- And scares the crap out of them
The Annoying Devil's Evil Pranks
- This guy has some pretty clever pranks.
Toothbrush in Ass Prank
- The kid that does this needs to have his head beat in
- Good thing he opened the window!
Russian Kids Viciously Pranking Each Other
- Often painful pranks from some Russian kids
Ninja Garage Scare Prank
- The emotion coming from the scare, is priceless.
Shower Shock Prank
- These guys prank their roommate while he's in the...
Exercise Ball Prank
- A classic prank that's usually funny on its own, but...
Pierce Brosnan Pranked
- The crew on this movie set pranks Pierce Brosnan!
Alarm Clock Shock Prank
- You'll never oversleep again!
Tropical Triaminic
- The FNC crew crank the Triaminic hotline...
Easy Money Prank
- Would you take the money or just leave it? Another...
Wal-Mart Phones
- WayBack WHENsday: This guy spends his Black Friday...
Baby Powder Hairdryer Prank
- This is a awesome way to ensure you will sleep on the...
Chick Forgets Thong Prank
- There is nothing quite like making people...
Crazy Drug and Murder Prank
- A restaurant owner and TV crew team up to trick this...
Project Wall
- Roommate Prank, we built a professional wall where our...
Stock Trader Prank
- A hilarious prank from Wall Street caught on live TV!
Moon Man vs Golfers
- A great how to video on pissing off golfers!
Addicted To Tickle Me Pink Prank Call
- Jared and Kristin team up and prank an "Addiction...
Waiter Prank
- These restaurant customers are in for a rude awakening...
Evil Kangaroo
- This guy knows how to piss people off.
Suicide Prank
- A dummy is thrown off a building and scares the crap...
Gay CNN Prank
- I guess different people reacted in different ways in...
Teen Crisis Hotline Prank Call
- Jared calls a Teen Crisis Hotline, and messes with the...
Gay Stripper Prank Call
- We call a gay stripper and tell him that he was not...
Hilarious Prank on Boss
- Employees rewire the boss's entire office!
Savage Husband Pranks His Wife While She's Playing...
- This guy teaches his wife how to properly hold a gun...
Horror Hitchhiker Prank
- This kid gets a little scare from a hitchhiker.
Yearbook Racial Prank
- Students create a prank in Charter Oak High...
Car Prank
- Funny prank pole falls on parked car when people try...
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