That Time Johnny Carson Exposed a Fake Psychic on...
- In this 1973 clip, we see Johnny Carson -- who was an...
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CNN Posts Scathing Supercut of Republicans Who Saw...
- It's funny how many of these folks ended up ignoring...
Paymoneywubby Interviews Two Bat-Shit Crazy Women
- An interview with people at "The Angel Initiative" who...
Lady Claims a Ghost is Moving this Table
- This group, trying to prove life after death, is total...
Online Psychics Get Trolled By "Penis"
- Wow, surprising they didn't see that coming... ya know...
Clairvoyant Interview Fail
- Oh, you can see the future?
Irish Caller Gets Fresh With Tv Psychic
- A TV psychic gets a call from the Fresh Prince!
Psychic Drawing Fail
- Or maybe she did draw what was on his mind...
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