India’s Snake Festival Has Dudes Carrying Around...
- I’ll take “Places I’d Never Go Even If You Paid...
Media videos
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Massive Snake Living in Ceiling Is a Slimy Bundle of...
- Firefighters were called to a dwelling when they were...
Rattlesnake Rattles Work in a Fascinating Way
- That's not at all how I thought it'd work but it makes...
Wild Water Fountain Gets Every, Single, Animal
- Behold the great equalizer.
That Time Steve Irwin Was Bitten By A Snake On Live...
- Back in 1991, while on a local news show, Steve Irwin...
Brutal Prank War Between Friends Goes WAY Too Far
- Some NSFW pranks in here. Absolutely do not try these...
Making A Forge Blower Using Primitive Technology
- If you're not familiar with Primitive Technology on...
A Giant Python Opens The Door
- This is how nightmares start...
Crazy Aussies Hunts Using Snakes
- Barehanded snake catching rabbit hunter.
Are Your Politicians For Sale?
- Political prostitution
Cobra Man Handling
- This guy has serious balls to handle those large...
News Reporter Has Seizure
- This news reporter starts to have a seizure when a...
Squirrel vs. Snake
- That's one pesky squirrel.
Cheesy Movie Scene
- This "adult" movie has one of the cheesiest intros...
Mongoose VS Cobra
- Place your bets!
Snake Attack
- If you're trying to fish a python out of a river of...
Snake vs Slug
- A slug and a snake go at it, place your bets!
Kid With Cobra
- What the hell are the parents thinking?
Snake VS Bunny
- With a name like this, I bet you can guess how it ends.
WayBack WHENsday: Porn Star Bit
- A model is bit by a snake during a photo shoot. To...
Snake Bite
- In this game show you have to get the antidote off a...
Cobra Bite
- This guy gets what is coming to him.
Snake Bites Stomach
- Hmmm, cold dead mouse, or warm soft stomach?
Snake Vs. Rabbit
- Snake eats a rabbit.
Snake Eats an Egg
- Watch this snake devour this egg.
Snake Charmer
- This guy has a strange power over these deadly snakes.
WayBack WHENsday: Snake Attack
- Classic: Funny snake attack. This guy gets a surprise!
Snake Eats Hippo
- Yet another reason to fear snakes.
Snake Robot
- Be afraid... be very afraid.
Friendly Snake
- Why isn't this mouse being turned into snake poo?
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