Bird Flies Into Train And Explodes
- A pigeon meets his fate, or is there something fishy...
Media videos
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Cyclist Cheats Death
- cyclist comes within inches of being hit by a train.
Electric Train In Tokyo Gets Hit By Lightning
- Amazing footage an electric train taking a direct hit...
Railroad Thermite Welding In Sweden
- Workers repair tracks with this highly combustible...
Insane Guy's Train Tracks Stunt
- Meanwhile in the Netherlands.
Tragic Train Derailment In Spain
- Reports say 178 people hurt and 80 people are...
Subway Morning Rush Hour In China
- And you thought your morning commute sucked!
Car Gets Obliterated By Train
- Oh your car won't start? Lets just give it a jump...
Scooter Driver Takes An Unexpected Flight
- A scooter gets some big air after hitting some...
Kid Lays On Tracks In Front Of A Train
- Never ever try this folks. I see a Darwin Award in...
Punks Get Caught Vandalizing A Train
- This graffiti looks like crap!
Derailed Train Explodes in Baltimore County
- The fiery explosion is captured with a cellphone.
Cop Prevents A Suicide In The Nick Of Time
- This cop was at the right place, at the right time.
Car Flies Right Through RV
- Meanwhile in Canada...
Saxophone Battle On NYC Subway
- Subway riders witness a duel of the woodwinds!
Skiing Behind A Train
- Because getting towed by a car is for amateurs.
Guy Almost Crushed By Runaway Train Car
- Runaway train never going back..
Light Saber Duel At Train Tracks
- Some major electrical arcing on the train tracks.
Owned By A Train And Snow
- Owned By A Train And Snow
Madeline Likes Train Watching
- Adorable little girl's reaction to a passing train!
Landslide Takes Out Train
- A train triggers some unstable land to slide onto the...
TRAIN Plow-Sled
- CN Rail Plow...awesome!
Train Hits Sewage Truck
- I bet that smelled good after the impact.
Best Thriller Cover Ever
- Man on the train sings Micheal Jackson's Thriller.
Parenting FAIL
- Mother holding her child doesn't realize where she's...
Train Horn on Scooter
- It's like an alarm clock, WOO WOO!
Man Plays Chicken With Train
- In Soviet Russia, train catches you!
1073 LB Deadlift With Torn Bicep
- Where's the rest of the truck?
Bath Salts Are a Hell of a Drug
- This dude riding the train says it all.
Instant Karma
- Do stupid things to others and in the end you're the...
Bus Crash Causes Double Train Crash
- El Cinema.
Epic Drunk Subway Fight...
- Going at it like champs...such finesse!
Shortest Train Evar
- Don't blink or ya might miss it
Extreme Train Surfing
- Like a boss!
13 Year Old Hit By High Speed Train
- Amazingly he escaped with his life. Gets back up, and...
Train Horn Pranks
- you all got got.
Men Fight Over The Last Seat on the Train
- Just another day in Harlem......oh wait what!?
How to Avoid an Oncoming Train
- Problem?
Japanese Train Goes 300 MPH
- Always one step ahead of us.
Intense Shoe Licker
- nom nom nom nom
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