The Least Satisfying Video Ever
- Super-hydrophobic water
Media videos
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The Euthanasia Coaster
- For those people who are dying for some excitement...
The Halloween lobster
- A black and orange lobster?
Halloween Costumes For Girls
- I sense conspiracy here...
Psycho At The Gym
- I see your P90X workout and raise you whatever the...
Empty America - San Francisco
- A time-lapse video in a ghost town.
Weird Leaf
- how is this even possible?
NASA Photoshops the Curiosity Mars Maps
- Looks like he is right....what do you think?
Awkward Guy After 49ers vs Lions Game
- And here is your 5 minuets of fame...
Woman Finds Ex-Boyfriend Living In Her Attic
- Guy she broke up with 12 years ago just got out of...
Troll Soccer Player Owns His Team Mate
- He better watch his back when they hit the showers.
Preacher Gives Sermon About Polishing His Shaft While...
- What in the unholy f**k is happening here?
Insane Clown Posse on FBI Top Ten Gang List
- The FBI has Juggalos as part of their top 10 gangs in...
Wrestler Robs Store With 3 Ostriches
- Here's something you don't see everyday.
What Happens To Bored Marines and Soldiers
- Standing post for 12 - 24 hours a day can do a number...
Cheating Military Wife Caught Cheating
- Wonder what will happen when the hubby gets home and...
Levitating Card Trick
- How in the.....?
DashCam: Something Good Happens!
- When was the last time you saw someone do this?
Handfeeding A Dragonfly
- Injured dragonfly is fed ants using tweezers.
Manure Faceplant
- No alcohol? Your friends will help you get poofaced.
Baby Girl Rockin Out!
- To Somebody That I Used To Know.
How To Help a Drunk Person Open Their Car
- There you go, buddy.
Leg Cramp From HELL
- That looks like it hurts.
Streaker vs Police
- Crazed man withstands multiple tasers, slaps police.
New York Subway Trolls Hard
- I give them about 2 more days before a lawsuit...
- Laugh it up, fuzzballs.
Teaching Bullying
- Oh the things you can learn in school nowadays!
How To Catch A Razor Clam
- I did not expect that.
UFO Seen in Astrakhan Sky
- An unusual phenomenon was spotted in the sky over the...
Idiot Owns Himself During Wet T-Shirt Contest
- He went for sexy and he nailed it.
Chaddy After Wisdom Teeth Surgery Is Awesome
- Sometimes, you have to go to an altered state of...
Nonsense and Weirdness
- Oh God, did something get put in my drink?
The Worst Drug Dealer Ever
- We all know this guy.
RC Copter Made Out of a Dead Cat's Corpse
- Shut up and take my money!
Apocalypse 2012 Hero Peter Gersten
- He Believes jumping off Bell rock in Sedona, Az will...
Weird Lady Claims She Was Fired For Being Too Hot
- What a wack job. Watch her trying to act hot on the...
King of Nut Shots - America's Got Talent
- King indeed....................
The Badass of The Week Award Goes To
- ...this girl.
Apocalyptic Island Of Waste In The Maldives
- I think its about time this country invests in a...
Sloths Pooping
- looks like a great time!
eBaum's Picks