Drunk Guy Gets Run Over By Train, But Somehow Walks...
- You know what would help with that pain? Another drink!
Media videos
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Monkeys Are Smoking Cigarettes Again
- A return to tradition.
Dude Schools Police Officers on the Law, Gets Them to...
- That’s embarrassing.
Dude Hits Perfect Pump at Gas Pump Challenge
- Big respect to our man Tom.
Evangelical Protesters Are Demanding That Employees of...
- It’s the great battle between heaven and people who...
TCL Just Released an Ad Encouraging TV Owners to...
- I’ll pass, thanks.
Dude Filming Police Helicopter Accidentally Catches...
- Is it just me, or is that searchlight getting closer?
Tornado Hits News Station As They’re Reporting on It
- Coming to you live from the heart of the action!
Two Guys Pull Woman Off Train Tracks Right As Train...
- Well, that was close.
Some Dude Drove His Car Straight Into a CarMax
- How bad was his APR?!?!
MrBeast Crashed a Formula One Car
- Get ready for his next YouTube video, “I spent 24...
Sam Bankman-Fried Linked Up With Diddy in Prison
- A match made in hell.
L.A. Cops Got Caught Running a Child Fight Club
- Thirty officers have been implicated in the operation.
Pilots Caught Using Google Maps Prior to Flights
- You, uh, know where you’re going, right?
A Drunk Dude Had to Be Fished Out of the River in D.C....
- The first of many.
Out-of-Control Window Washer Smashes High-Rise Windows
- That’s not supposed to happen, right?
Streamer Amouranth Says She Was Pistol Whipped by...
- She says she managed to shoot one on their way out.
Watch a Russian War Protester Get Arrested in Two...
- Her sign literally just read “two words.”
Southwest Flight Nearly Crashes Into Private Jet at...
- Ahh shit, here we go again.
Barbershop Gets Raided by Angry Deer
- Maybe he just wants a haircut?
Remembering When a Dude Threw a Fish at Roller-Coaster...
- And gave them a story they’d never forget.
Former NFL Star Gets Confronted by Man for Allegedly...
- Steve Smith has some explaining to do.
Black Liquid Starts Raining From the Ceiling at Austin...
- I don’t think this is a good sign.
Hockey Broadcaster Gets Hit by Puck, Drops a Monster...
- That’s gotta hurt.
German Minister Tries and Fails to Break Champagne...
- That’s a bad sign, right?
Entire Market Takes on Attempted Thief
- If you can’t take the hits, don’t try to lick.
Pitcher Takes 106-mph Line Drive to the Head
- Just walk it off.
Detroit Flooded, Then Froze Over
- Well…that isn’t good.
Man Claims He’s Had Sex with Every Woman in...
- The definition of “this guy fucks.”
Grandma Gets Merc’d by Runaway Shopping Cart
- Return your carts, people.
Footage from the Most Nonsensical Hate Crime of All...
- This is already proving to be one of the scariest,...
Couple Smokes Out All Their Guests With Dry-Ice Gender...
- Haven’t we had enough of this?
Failed Cook Lighting Gas Stove Lights Whole House Up...
- And people say these things are dangerous.
Great, Another Doomsday Fish Has Washed Ashore
- There’s been a few too many “end of the world”...
Crowd Cheers on Naked Man Escaping His Apparent Affair
- He may not get away with the affair, but he’ll get...
Toronto Man Receives Cease-and-Desist After Building...
- No good deed goes unpunished.
Watch a Bunch of Horses Be Really Awful at Playing the...
- Ever heard of practicing?
Man Running From Cops Is Caught After Getting Stuck in...
- Santa looked a little different this year!
Partiers Try to Shoot Fireworks Off Their Balcony,...
- Point the tip *away* from you.
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