21 Petty People Who Got The Pettiest of Revenge
- Don't be mean to others... people might retaliate.
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20 Hilarious Times People Asked for Photoshop Help and...
- James Fridman strikes again, in a hilariously...
'Wish I Was An Only Child' - 20 Pics Showing the...
- They were the best of times, they were the blurst of...
30 Hilariously Bad Sign Fails Someone SHould Have...
- These aren't the signs you're looking for.
29 People Who Got Answers the Question 'What Happens...
- Quick answers to life's everyday curiosities.
33 Designs and Adverts That are a Cut Above the Rest
- We need more of this stuff.
6 Sastisfying Stories of People Who Got Their Petty...
- These people got their sweet revenge in the best way.
Dude Secretly Fattens Up His Co-Workers to Get Revenge...
- When a guy hears two of his co-workers making fun of...
'Your Task is to Blow a Job Interview in the First 30...
- How to blow a job interview... on purpose.
29 Funny Cases Of Mild Vandalism
- Some small adjustments to make the world a better...
24 Office Pranks That Were Absolutely on Point
- It takes a keen intellect to pull off the perfect...
30 Online Shopping Fails and Facepalms
- What you see on your screen isn’t always what...
23 of the Best Reasons Why People Got Banned
- Enjoy your ban!
23 Senior Pranks That Went Down in History
- These pranks were so well composed and executed. No...
5 Times People Broke the Rules By Following Them
- Some beautiful stories of malicious compliance
20 Movies That Would Be Ruined with a Sex Scene
- There are some films that shouldn't be tainted by a...
20 Harmless Pranks That Will Still Mess with People
- Do you ever get the urge to annoy someone so much?...
Worker Trains Boss to Be on Time
- When the boss was consistently late to interviews,...
Bullying Entitled Debt Collectors Is Our Favorite...
- Revenge is a dish best served 'called.'
Girl Ditches BF at Grand Canyon after Pushing Prank
- Who is the bigger a**hole here? Because it's clear...
Entitled Boomer Craving Chinese Food Gets Instant Karma
- Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.
17 People Who Asked to Get Roasted and Got Scorched
- They got what they asked for.
29 People Who Clapped Back at Online Scammers
- They got what they deserved.
26 Pics Proving Googly Eye Vandalism Is Always Funny
- To whomever invented the googly eyes, thank you. They...
27 Vandals Who Had a Great Sense of Humor
- Vandalism can be super entertaining if it's not...
19 Savage Comments That Put People Back in Their Seat
- If there were a Pulitzer prize for internet trolls...
18 People Full of BS Getting Called Out Online
- They sit on a throne of lies.
22 People Who Pulled Off Next Level Pranks
- The most inspired pranksters around.
29 Absolute Savage Brand Clapbacks That Did Not Miss
- Just because you're a brand account, doesn't mean that...
21 Times ‘Petty’ Was a Total Understatement
- Do I think these people are taking revenge a bit too...
15 Pics That Were Accidentally Horrifying
- I don't think they meant to be this scary, but here we...
21 Epic Sibling Pranks to Watch Out For
- They really know how to push buttons.
36 People Who Got Trolled by the Photoshop Master...
- There is no shame is turning to others for help in a...
20 Epic Pranksters Who Belong in the Hall of Fame
- It's all a game to these people. The pleasure they get...
27 Times Vandals Were Subtle but Effective
- Sometimes subtle is the way to go. Here are some...
Kanye West as Taco Bell Menu Items, Happy Birthday...
- The dude is 44 years old. So we decided to match the...
15 Most Shameless DLC Cash Grabs in Gaming History
- Greedy game companies can go to hell.
26 Punny Jokes Even You Could Understand
- Think hard, but not too hard.
37 People Who Manage to Win and Fail at the Same Time
- Yep, that about sums it up.
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