18 Disturbing Facts That Will Creep You Out
- Odd and interesting facts that may send chills down...
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Raccoon Versus Iguana is the Showdown You Didn't Know...
- A raccoon and iguana go toe to toe in the fight of the...
Ohio Teen Captures Image Of What Appears To Be A...
- Amateur ghost hunter and avid nature photographer,...
32 Photos of Old People That'll Make You Want to Take...
- Aging is best done gracefully.
21 People You Don't Want to Sit Next to on the Russian...
- The first rule of the Russian Subway? Avoid the...
19 Creepy Facts That'll Give You a Fright
- Disturbing and WTF facts that you probably didn't know.
Start Spo0ktober Off Right With These Bone Chilling...
- Welcome to the spo0kiest time of the year
26 Photos of People Who Should Be Nominated for a...
- The one award you will never be able to accept...
18 Brutal Moments from Everyday Life
- Less-than-subtle hints that the universe hates you.
A Totally Spooktastic Tale To Start Of Your October
- A creepy tale of one man's terrifying encounter.
20 Bullshitters Called Out On Their Lies
- Liars getting roasted for their terrible attempts at...
20 Disturbing Facts That Will Haunt Your Dreams
- A collection of creepy facts you don't want to read...
30 Close Up Photos of Insects That Will Amaze You
- A different perspective on those creepy crawlers
35 WTF Pics That'll Make You Scratch Your Head
- I said- hey, what's going on?
The Sound of These Sizzling Sausages Will Haunt Your...
- Reminds me of waking up on a Sunday morning, hearing...
22 Creepy Facts To Send Chills Down Your Spine
- Stuff you may not want to read before bed.
Outraged Father Catches Repairman Sniffing His Young...
- This father couldn't believe his eyes when a security...
16 Trashy People Who Have Horrible Tattoos
- These people have no shame left to lose.
600-Lb Woman Loves Shopping For Food
- This clip is taken from the TLC show My 600-Pound Life.
The Most Cringeworthy Tinder Conversation You'll See...
- Some people on Tinder just have no shame.
29 Pictures of Underwater Photography
- There is something so eerie about underwater...
22 Disturbing Facts That Will Leave You Creeped Out
- A variety of interesting yet unsettling things for you...
Crazy Woman On Twitter Thinks She Uncovered A Wild...
- Maybe it's drugs, or maybe she was born with it?
16 WTF Pics That Will Make You Puke in Your Mouth a...
- Here are some photos that may make you want to leave...
15 Brutal Moments from Everyday Life
- Less than subtle signs that the universe hates you.
Yahoo Discovers Their Newest Feature May Not Have Been...
- Automatically featuring the top user comments on posts...
24 Creepy Facts That Are As Bizarre As They Are...
- All of these facts have been verified and cited.
19 Times Life Dealt People an Unfair Hand
- Less than subtle signs that the universe hates you.
The Mysterious Woman In Shackles Has Been Found
- A mystery woman was seen ringing doorbells Friday,...
Massive Hornets' Nest In an El Camino Will Freak You...
- Just burn the car.
22 Disturbing Facts That Will Creep You Out
- The world can be a very WTF place.
26 Ghostly Remains of Derelict Places
- Dreary and strange but hypnotically compelling.
Tumblr User Explains What Would Happen If You Had A...
- We're not sure how accurate this guy's claims are but,...
17 Clues We Might Be Surrounded By Idiots
- There are reasons why they put up those warning signs-...
20 WTF Facts That Will Make You Think
- Facts that range from odd to downright creepy.
Apparition Chasing a Boat is Pretty Damn Freaky
- A woman has recorded her tubing excursion through an...
Idiot Wont Back Down After Sharing Stupid FB Post
- Some people just want to think for themselves.
22 Disturbing Facts That Will Open Your Eyes
- A collection of bizarre and creepy things that will...
26 Situations That Were Strong In Irony
- Isn't it ironic? Don't you think?
Military Spokeswoman Accidentally Posts Nude Selfie On...
- That awkward moment when you post a nude selfie on an...
eBaum's Picks