Brave Girl Feeds World Record 14-Foot-Long Alligator...
- This girl is feeding world record Alligator, Big Tex,...
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22 WTF Facts That Will Leave You Disturbed
- A collection of weird and creepy facts for your mind...
18 Chicks Who Screwed Themselves Out of a Second Date
- Obnoxious girls that ruined their chances of a second...
Mysterious Formation Appears Under Man's Blanket
- From the uploader: "Being real there’s no animal...
39 Photos That Will Discomfort Your Soul
- You just can't unsee some things.
When You Grab Your Door Handle And It Grabs You Back
- This is the stuff nightmares are made of.
18 Times When Life Was Just Mean
- Is this how you find out that the universe hates you?
Did this Woman Just Capture a UFO On Her Flight Over...
- Passengers on a flight over the middle east captured...
22 Creepy Facts That Will Freak You Out
- Odd and strange facts that may leave you disturbed.
This House in Ireland Appears to be Haunted
- Lots of weird things have been happening inside this...
19 Unfortunate Ladies Who Got Stuck in Weird Places
- How did they manage to do that?
Man Shares His Findings After Exploring Mysterious Hole
- Bless all brave explorers.
Attempted Kidnapping Ends Not As You'd Expect
- This woman must have been losing her mind, wtf!
22 Creepy Facts To Send A Chill Down Your Spine
- Weird and creepy facts that are seldom discussed.
The Cringeworthy Saga Of Furries Continues
- Prepare to see something you never imagined in a...
26 Fails That Will Trigger Your OCD
- The aesthetic has been murdered.
Massive Grizzly Makes it Clear to Hikers That Nature...
- It took so much to keep their cool.
Home Invaders Firing Guns at Teenagers is Straight out...
- Cops are still looking for suspects from the...
Vegan Is Heartbroken When She Learns Mayonnaise In NOT...
- This girls entire life has been a lie.
Thousands of Crabs Covering the Ocean Floor is a...
- This is what nightmares are made of.
39 Radically Random Pics and Memes To Entertain You
- Enjoy this healthy dose of distraction.
45 Random Memes and Pics You'll Want to Click
- It's hot, chill out with these fine memes.
15 People Share the Things that Made Them Die Inside
- That burning feeling of embarrassment won't ever go...
Lying Streamer Gets Kicked Out Of The Gym
- After getting caught filming at the gym(which is...
36 Strange Pics for People Who Like it Weird
- Feed yourself a well deserved dish of WTF.
21 Times Tumblr was a Little Too Cringe
- What deranged minds lurk there?
Strange Footage Reignites Sasquatch Speculation
- Could this footage from Vancouver finally show the...
This Headless Rattlesnake is Still Alive and Angry
- This guy was working on his farm when he noticed a...
22 Disturbing Facts That Will Creep You Out
- A collection of facts that range from morbid to WTF.
"Ultimate" Padlock has Infuriating Design Flaw
- From a world where screwdrivers are scarce comes this...
Gold Digger Tries To Threaten Her Sugar Daddy But...
- I guess he doesn't realize that demanding money for...
Mutant Fish Will Lead You Down a Rabbit Hole
- The story made people nervous and fascinated, but is...
32 Tattoos So Bad They Will Make You Cringe Yourself
- Some failures last forever.
Journalist Trying To Make 'Feminist Waves' Gets Called...
- Did she even try to do some research?
Crazy Ex-Girlfriend Fined $300,000 After Sabotaging...
- Egoistical twat gets what she deserves for sabotaging...
Self Proclaimed Fitness Expert Tries to Body Shame a...
- Simple butt pic turns into a trainwreck of a...
Woman Finds Unexpected Freak of Nature
- This looks like the beginning of a horror movie.
25 WTF Images to Make You Cringe and Possibly Lose...
- Acquire nightmares with these 25 "what the fuck?" gems.
Terrifying Footage of Total Creep Stalking a Car,...
- From the driver: "At approximately 1:08 AM I was...
A Mega Dump of 54 Rad and Random Images
- Check out this healthy serving of visual delights.
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