Father Trolls The Hell Out Of His Wife By Fake Shaving...
- He's so dead for this, but it was worth it. A father...
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22 Facts that Sound Fake But are Actually True
- The internet tries to make us believe all sorts of...
Beyond Belief: 20 True Facts That Sound Like Fiction
- The world is full of mysterious, amazing places and...
32 Photos That Went Viral But Turned Out to Be Fake
- You can't trust everything you see online. But you can...
Dave Chappelle Hand-Delivers Tickets To NC Couple Who...
- Dave Chappelle hand-delivered tickets to his comedy...
Fooled the World: 11 'Viral Photos' That We All Fell...
- A couple of "unbelievable" images that are big fat...
"Weird Al" Yankovic's Classic Interview With Paul...
- "Weird Al" Yankovic "interviews" Paul McCartney in...
A Funny and Ridiculous Fake Martial Arts Montage
- Martial Arts are a huge part of everything from...
Terrifyingly Creepy Paranormal Events Caught On Video
- You know who you need to call, here's the number-...
It Looks Like Soulja Boy's Game Console Scam is Coming...
- Nintendo takes legal action against Soulja Boy for his...
Dog Somehow Learns How To Use Duck Call
- Now this is a good boy!
Undercover Cops Pulled Over By Man Impersonating a Cop
- Two State Troopers got a surprise while they were...
44 Prank Gift Boxes To Troll Your Friends and Family...
- this will get them so confused
30 Street Flyers That Will Have You Calling Fast
- Someone is actually posting these around.
27 Off Brand Christmas Toys That'll Make You Want Coal...
- Stuff you get if you've been a bad kid, worse than...
Actual Hacker Shows How Dumb Most Movie Hacking Scenes...
- Hacker and security researcher Samy Kamkar takes a...
Is This "Floating Plane" an Optical Illusion or Glitch...
- Filmed near an airport in Russia, this large passenger...
4Chan Users Mock Mail Bomber With Homemade Parody Bombs
- A group of 4chan users are calling the recent mail...
Twitch Streamer With Tourettes Hilariously Attempts To...
- She's cute and funny and she knows it. **Warning:...
Police Officer Pulls Painful Prank on Coworkers
- She even had me going there for a bit
Dude Shoots Himself To Prove the Durability of His...
- A live ammo demonstration with bulletproof clothing.
12 Pics Proving Everything Online is Fake
- The 'fake it till you make it' strategy has failed...
America's Got Talent "Caught" Editing Magic Trick...
- Captain Disillusion breaks down how the magic of Will...
Woman Goes the F**k Off on Her Boyfriend After He Buys...
- Holy crap! This little lady has big attitude!
27 Attention Whores And Their Bullshit Stories
- We all know someone who makes up stupid shit for...
'Boomer Porn' Is The Newest Meme Taking Jabs At Old...
- "Get off my lawn you latte drinking Millennials!"
Did Buzz Aldrin Just Admit That The Moon Landings Were...
- Buzz Aldrin answers an eight year old girl's question,...
Cruel And Easy Public Bathroom Prank To Pull Off
- A super simple prank that is sure to satisfy.
Russian Bread Ain't Like Ours
- I wonder what it's like to eat it.
Hilariously Blatant Over-Reaction is Embarrassing for...
- Come on, Pepe– it's the world cup!
Fake Martial Arts "Master" Who Uses The Force To Fight...
- An incredibly hilarious fight between a Kiai master...
Fake Monk Forced To Undress In London
- Imagine being married to her and trying to get away...
Elephant Knocks Woman into Next Week
- Unexpected attack sends tourist flying.
Guy Cleans His Workbench With An Energy Drink After...
- Whoa, that must be some strong stuff!
These Guys Quickly Find Out They're Robbing the Wrong...
- Unbelievable footage of delivery man flipping the...
Guy Discovers Some Fraudulent Practices Happening At...
- Ah the classic bait and switch, it'll get you every...
20 People on the Internet Who Are Clearly Lying
- These people who were sure they’d get away with...
Fake Gif Of Emma Gonzalez Tearing Up The Constitution...
- Don't believe everything you see online.
Fake U.S. Marshal Gets Arrested by Real Cops in Florida
- A man with a fake badge and a gun who was posing as a...
Guy Trolls Passengers on the Train With Fake Book...
- This guy's fake book covers made nosey subway riders...
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