True Combat Wizard Tries a Fake Glove Touch and Gets...
- There are few five second knockouts that are this...
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Twenty-Two Ladies Caught Lying on Instagram
- In this day and age, there are (at least) two versions...
23 Facts That Sound Fake But Are Actually True
- Some food for thought to get your brain back to work...
ABC News’ Caught Faking Their ‘Slaughter in...
- ABC aired this footage on their 'World News Tonight'...
Teen With Fake Badge And Cop Car Pulling People Over...
- Hey dude, why don't you find a better hobby, you know...
Chaos After Climate Protestors Lose Control Of Their...
- Climate activist group Extinction Rebellion lost...
Kanye West's Newest Scam Is the Oldest One in the Book
- Kanye West, the self-proclaimed God has found a new...
Knock-Off Halloween Costumes That Are Unintentionally...
- When you wanna go trick-or-treating, but your budget...
20 People Called Out For Lying To Get Attention Online
- There is a special kind of person who posts fake...
Hate Crime Hoax Has People Calling This Guy The Next...
- A former NFL player was arrested by police for...
YouTuber Pranks Top Influencers By Sending Them "Moon...
- Naturally, most of the influencers were over the moon...
These People Got Caught Lying on the Internet and Were...
- These people spew some much BS they probably believe...
Instances Of Social Media Being Total Bulls**t
- Don't believe what you see.
A Curated Batch Of Instagram VS Reality (20 Images)
- Social media vs. reality is sorcery for the modern era
A Curated Batch Of Instagram VS Reality (20 Images)
- Social media vs. reality is sorcery for the modern era
Mom Traumatizes Her Kids With Severed Finger Prank
- Her children will certainly need psychological help at...
Plastic Surgery Patient Is VERY Upset After Random...
- I mean... if the shoe fits.
Boxers Paid To Throw Fight Don't Even Try To Make It...
- This is the most pathetic thing we have ever seen, wtf.
Woman Sucking on A Tailpipe Might Be Dead In A Week
- Is this some strange new car fetish? Or is she trying...
NBC Accidentally Allows Fake Witness of El Paso...
- As the Interview went on it's pretty apparent that it...
"Birds Aren't Real" Campaign Is Proof That 2019 Has...
- We've got a plan to storm Area 51, a "Running...
27 Instgram Babes Who Are Definitely Faking It
- I'm not sure who they think they're fooling with these.
Self-Proclaimed Instagram "Dream Girl" Is Built Like A...
- No, that's not Photoshop. This silicone-filled "dream...
This Jim Carrey Deepfake As Jack Nicholson In The...
- It's only a matter of time before the saying, "you...
Man Humiliated After He Pulls A Toy Gun on July 4th...
- This angry father interrupted a 4th of July firework...
30 Instagram Girls Who Are Fake As Hell
- You ain't fooling nobody honey!
25 Fake Babes Seen On Instagram
- These ladies aren't fooling anyone.
7 Pawn Stars Items That Were Absolutely Fake
- I wouldn't touch that thing with a ten-foot pole.
22 Reasons Why You Can't Trust Social Media
- Whether it's an Instagram influencer or a social media...
30 Fake Girls Found On Instagram
- Do they really think they're fooling anyone?
30 Fake Instagram Girls Who Could Use A Lesson In...
- They tried to be sneaky and got caught.
20 Times People Saw Through the BullSh*t and Were 100%...
- Liar lair pants on fire, I hope your mom gets a flat...
Instagram Vs. Reality Exposes the Truth Behind Those...
- A harsh look at the deceptive practices used by...
Guy Fakes An Injury For The Best Reason
- We all gate floppers and fakers in sports, but this...
Snowboarder Chick Is Unknowingly Pursued By Huge Bear
- Terrifying chase down a mountainside is unseen by an...
15 (Fake) Viral Photos That Fooled The Entire Internet
- While some of these photos are obviously fake, there...
Guy's Magic Trick is Interrupted by a Surprise Visitor
- Someone's gonna have to change their act to stand...
Angry Woman Claims Fast Food Restaurant Gave Her A...
- You have to love a good ol' fashion restaurant freak...
Pete Davidson And Machine Gun Kelly Take A Lie...
- Pete Davidson and Machine Gun Kelly take a lie...
17 Flat Earth Proofs That Will Convert You
- Prepare to have your mind blown and reality shattered...
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