26 Facts That Sound Fake But Are True
- Did you know any of these?
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20 People Guess What They Think Is at the Center of a...
- Humans are in the endless search of looking for the...
Conspiracy Theorists Actually Think the Will Smith...
- While most people were shocked that Smith would even...
20 Epic Fails and Photoshop Flops Straight Out Of...
- What in the world were they thinking?
Couple's Fake Service Pitbull Bites a Child on the...
- A family that had gone out to eat watched in horror as...
Kim Kardashian Deletes Tweet after Photoshop...
- Coming from the billionaire who just told every other...
25 Strange Reasons People Have Been Thrown Out of a...
- Chances are you have been kicked out of a business...
Thoughtful BF Gives His Girl a Hand
- Pretty much a perfect prank - no one gets hurt, it's...
Frito-Lays Employee Debunks Viral TikTok About How...
- The TikToker who posted the original video claimed...
Cringy Dating 'Expert' Claims He's Had 3 Girls in One...
- ... And of course, it leads to a sales pitch for his...
Cheating GF Freaks After Being Found Out, Falsely...
- He's smart to keep the camera rolling and maintain his...
Founder of the "Birds Aren't Real" Movement Trolls...
- Peter McIndoe decides to play a funny prank on the...
23 Ways Reality TV Shows Lie To Us
- We all know reality tv is fake, but how exactly they...
Viral Video of Woman Breastfeeding Cat Is Clearly Fake
- The viral video of a woman being filmed breastfeeding...
Serial Police Impersonator Jeremy Dewitte Arrested...
- Dewitte has had over 55 different criminal court cases...
30 Hilariously Harsh Examples of Photoshop Fails
- Liar liar, pants on fire.
Dude Pranks Gas Station With Fake Promo, Goes Viral...
- Kyle Scheele put up a lifesize cutout of himself...
24 Popular “Facts” That Are Completely Fake
- The internet is a great way to learn hundreds of new...
25 Real Conditions That Sound Completely Fake
- Whether it's calling into work or calling off a date,...
25 Celebrities With Obviously Fake Personalities
- All celebrities are fake to some degree. Here are some...
25 Scams That Have Sadly Become Common Place
- It's sometimes easy to recognize scams as they're...
20 Gamers Who Are Complete A**holes
- "Am I the A**hole?" This is a question that gamers ask...
Photoshop Master Reveals Why You Shouldn't Trust...
- Beauty is only skin deep but what can you do if you...
98-Yard Fake Reverse Touchdown Even Fools the Camera...
- Marshall University's special teams pulled of a...
20 Facts That Sound Real, But Aren't
- You can't believe everything you read on the internet.
Dude Demonstrates How to Use Rubber Movie Props
- This guy shows us how Hollywood stuntmen get away with...
15 Times Game Developers Shamelessly Deceived Fans
- Video games are hard to make and harder to market. So...
Joe Rogan Being Fake with The Undertaker and Quentin...
- In the first clip, Joe Rogan talks to The Undertaker...
Guy Pulls Fake Gun on Clerk, Regrets It Instantly
- Maybe he needed the money for a better fake.
How Amazon Blatantly Rips Off Its Competitors With...
- Many AmazonBasics products are basically identical to...
11 Common Myths Debunked
- Things everyone believes that aren't true.
Are the Recently 'Leaked' UFO Videos Just More Smoke...
- Youtuber Thunderf00t provides some pretty compelling...
26 Facts That Sound Fake but Are True
- Because sometimes life really is stranger than fiction.
15 Tricks Manufacturers Used to Fool Consumers
- Pretty devious!
30 Fake People Spotted on Instagram
- They thought no one would notice.
This is What Happens When One Company Owns Dozens Of...
- Is this extremely dangerous to our democracy? Watch as...
Pop Star The Weeknd Reveals New Face For Music Video
- The musical artist, known as 'The Weekend' did not...
Hilaria aka "Hillary" Baldwin Has Been Accused of...
- This is hilarious. Hillary Baldwin, wife of actor Alec...
Joe Rogan Being Fake With Kanye After Dissing Him For...
- How the tables have turned.
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