Unsuspecting Crewman Gets the Sac-Tap Seen Around the...
- A driver for the Haas F1 Team delivers a little bit of...
Media videos
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This Kid Pranking His Stepdad is Better than Most...
- His stepson can be seen shuffling between rooms behind...
Thoughtful BF Gives His Girl a Hand
- Pretty much a perfect prank - no one gets hurt, it's...
That Time an Astronaut Smuggled a Gorilla Suit Aboard...
- Back in 2016, US astronaut Scott Kelly's brother,...
Founder of the "Birds Aren't Real" Movement Trolls...
- Peter McIndoe decides to play a funny prank on the...
Aptly Named ‘King of Farts’ Banned from Wal-Mart
- Jeff Glover AKA followdotch is the TikTok legend who...
Dad Trolls His Chicago Bears Loving Daughter on...
- An 8-year-old Chicago Bears fan isn't happy with her...
Guy Sets up 'Porch Pirate Sting' with Amazon Box Full...
- She walked up SO casual and calm like she was shopping...
Rémi Gaillard is Back with one of His Greatest Pranks
- UFOs spotted in France! Check out this...
Glitter Bomb 4.0 Brings the Same Package-Thief Ownage...
- Merry Christmas ya filthy animals! Hopefully porch...
Son Pranks Mother with Timely Trombone Sound Effects
- This kid tortures his mom by providing amazing sound...
Man Trolls GF's Gag Reflex Every Chance He Gets
- Lauryn D'Agostino's sensitivity to gagging noises was...
Dude Pranks Gas Station With Fake Promo, Goes Viral...
- Kyle Scheele put up a lifesize cutout of himself...
Rube Goldberg Machine Plays 'Careless Whisper'
- Masterfully done.
Guy Dresses Up as an Old Man and Schools Everyone on...
- Big Daws shows up to a basketball court in Venice...
Schwarzenegger Pranks DeVito with Best Bud Cigar
- As the story goes, DeVito originally pranked...
The Scary Snowman Is Back and Terrorizing the Streets...
- Pedestrians get a scare ahead of Halloween and haunted...
Students Bid Farewell to Inflatable Pretzel with...
- Why am I getting emotional over an inflatable pretzel?...
Dad Pranks Son With 'Impossible' Bet, Kid Wins
- "If you catch it you can buy whatever you want." Well,...
School Board Gets Trolled By Someone Putting Down Fake...
- This plays like the scene of Bart calling Moe on The...
Wife Falls Victim to the Classic Taped Faucet Prank
- A sneaky husband set his wife up for a little...
Big Foot Shows Up to Six Year Old's Birthday Party
- What a great way to traumatize your children
Guy Shares the Five Secrets to Happiness, Girlfriend...
- These five "secrets" actually sound like a lot of work.
'Jackass Forever' Trailer Just Dropped and the Dudes...
- They're back. They're old, but they're back. 'Jackass...
Dash Cam Captured the Moment Someone Tossed a Lit...
- Colin Kirby says he’s grateful to be alive after a...
Listener Masterfully Trolls Bill Burr On His Own...
- Comedian Bill Burr accidentally fell victim to some...
Hilarious Cop Exposes Just How Drunk This Kid Was
- This cop had a hunch, and, seemingly, a sense of humor.
World's Hottest Pepper Extract on Her Thong!
- Talk about having a really "hot ass".
Dude Goes Flying With Friend Who Doesn't Know He's a...
- He gives him a story about 'watching lots of videos on...
Wife Punishes Husband for Wishing His 'Girlfriend'...
- When you realize "happy wife, happy life" is actually...
Evil Easter Bunny Prank Scares the Crap out of People...
- People walking through this park see a sign about a...
Guy Pranks Customers with a Manager Talking Crap about...
- Customers and even firemen fall victim to this prank...
Bitter Boss Dumps $915 in Greasy Pennies on Former...
- This employer needs to attend anger management.
Big Bootied Babe Causes a Thirst Trap to See Who Will...
- This "big booty experiment" by pranksters in the...
These 3.5 ft. Long Adidas Clown Shoes Are the Worst...
- How long is too long?
Daughter Pranks Mom Saying They Were Hired As Zoom...
- Then she drinks and her mom freaks out.
Secret TV Remote Prank Ends in Epic Rage Quit
- When pushed to your limits, there are few among us who...
Husband Has Radio Station Prank His Wife in What Might...
- A man has a radio station prank his wife about WWE Pay...
Monkey Takes First Step to Becoming Human
- The pizza guy never saw it coming.
People Are Struggling to Remove Trump from 'Home Alone...
- But how will Kevin find the bathroom?
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