Windows Sound Prank
- Here's a great prank to play on your friends.
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Crowd Prank
- A genius prank that should be recreated in the US.
Garbage Day
- You have to feel bad for this guy.
Toilet Prank
- I'm surprised that this guy didn't get sued.
Birthday Wakeup
- With friends like these...
Bikini Prank
- Further proof that men can be suckered into anything...
Prank Call
- This guy does some amazing impressions on a prank call...
Constant Pranks
- This call in show gets constantly pranked. I bet...
On Stage Prank
- The classic...
Halloween Prank
- This is what happens to you if you pass out at a party...
Instant Karma
- Gotta love it when the comeuppance is almost instant.
African Hold Music Prank
- Some co-workers prank a telemarketer with fake hold...
CLASSIC: Lipstick Slingshot
- In honor of April Fools day, check out this classic...
Lemonade Stand Prank
- The peoples reactions are great.
Hand in Trunk Prank
- This guy acts like his hand gets closed in a car trunk.
Price is Right Prank
- The Price is Right pranks a contestant in the showcase...
Dirty Turban
- A hilarious classic prank phone call done by Howard...
- This just goes to show you that everyone still isn't...
Wasabi Snort
- Radio station records man snorting Wasabi.
Fart Blaster
- Guy walks around in public with a fart machine.
Myspace Prank
- I think people are taking this whole MySpace thing a...
Tom Mabe - Assorted Pranks
- Standup comedian Tom Mabe uses his hidden camera to...
Atomic Situp
- One of the finer pranks we've seen in a while!
Tap Water
- Don't waste your money on spring water.
Firework Chase
- This guy falls victim to a truly rude awakening.
Bridge Prank
- This kid has some really mean friends.
Glass Door Prank
- Social experiment reveals people are creatures of...
Sleeping Prank
- Airhorns are so much fun aren't they?
Howard Stern gets plugged on CNN
- Another Howard fan makes it live on the air with CNN,...
The Prank
- This is the funniest movie we have ever seen.
Air Horn
- I could have a lot of fun with one of these.
Port-a-Potty Prank
- Another great clip from a Japanese prank show, this...
False Wall Prank
- More crazy Japanese TV. This time its a prank show...
Car Wash Prank
- A clever prank that is sure to start a slew of...
Maze Prank Cry
- This father decides to play a mean spirited prank on...
Jingle Bell Prank
- See the Jingle Bell Prank in action!
Jingle Bells Reversed Prank
- A loyal female fan of ours scares the crap out of her...
Autopsy Training Video
- Hopefully your doctor hasn't been through this...
Waterbed Prank
- Foreign TV show pulls off some great pranks.
WayBack WHENsday: Scary Screamer
- CLASSIC: Screaming Asian man scares everyone with...
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